First mission

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The sun was setting on the Academy. Many cadets at this hour would go to the fields and watch the sunset. Truly beautiful. A sight to see. The Senseis inside the Academy's main building were planning this, that, and the other for the different types of students who occupied the Academy. Senseis Ro-bow and Starcast, along with Legendary Spyro himself, were making a list of cadets who were awaiting their first "mission". They would be given something simple, to prepare them for the more difficult and challenging and real missions they will face much later. A field test, if you will.

The reason Legendary Spyro was here was because he felt that the elusive Sun Dragon should be given a mission.

Master Ro-bow: This Sun Dragon seems to be quite brilliant. He has excelled in any and all history related activities and tests given to him.
Master Starcast: And Astroblast has reported that Sun Dragon is an excellent and resourceful fighter, using his wit and wisdom. He also is fast on his feet, and has reflexes that come quite naturally to him.
Master Ro-bow: And he seems to get along very well with many of the other cadets, a necessity when in a team.
Legendary Spyro: I suggest we give him a mission soon as possible. He seems quite ready and prepared for one.
Master Starcast: But he seems to be a laid-back sort of creature.
Legendary Spyro: Only when he isn't given an important part to play. I've seen how dedicated he can be. The look in his eyes I saw when he was told about the Core of Light and his willingness to come to this Academy to become a Skylander shows it. Give him a mission, and he will complete it.
Master Ro-bow: I say we give this Sun Dragon a mission as Legendary Spyro says. His stats here are remarkable for a freshman.
Master Starcast: Very well. I'll speak to Master King Pen about allowing Sun Dragon to go on a mission, but I feel we must have him tag along with one of our more experienced teams so as to see to it he doesn't slack off.
Legendary Spyro: Very well, Master Starcast. I suggest Mixcoatl's team on their mission tomorrow. It's simple and yet important enough for Sun Dragon to handle.
Master Ro-bow: Tomorrow? So soon? Well, you're a Legendary, I suppose you know what must be done.
Master Starcast: I'll go speak with Master King Pen now.

And with that, Master Starcast left the room. Master Ro-bow put the report he had written up aside to handle another student's stats.

Master Ro-bow: We plan to send a second team along with Mixcoatl's when they find the exact location of their target. I would like your advice on this one student Legendary.
Legendary Spyro: Of course. Who is it?
Master Ro-bow: A young elf girl, "Force Shield" we call her. She has been here almost as long as Sun Dragon has, only behind by a couple of days. She is quite shy, but she is powerful nonetheless. I suggest we allow her to go with Pegaslash's team to go assist Mixcoatl's team.
Legendary Spyro: What is she capable of?
Master Ro-bow: She can launch magic orbs from her hands, use a force field to protect her and others, and then launch those force fields toward her enemies. Her roommate, Alabra, has requested she be on Pegaslash's team with him, since he and Force Shield have already become friends. There is, however, a small problem I feel we must discuss.
Legendary Spyro: Oh? Her shyness?
Master Ro-bow: Not exactly. Her parents have stated that she suffers from PTSD from living in the Cursed Swamp of Bad Decisions, and was there when Dreamcatcher invaded the place with her living nightmares. She hasn't been seen showing signs of a terminal case of PTSD, but that may be due to the Academy being a "comforting" place for her, since there are many Skylanders and cadets around.
Legendary Spyro: I see.... Well, her roommate is going to be with her during tomorrow's mission. She should be alright. Besides, Sun Dragon can always comfort her as well, seeing as how he has been able to befriend practically anyone. I say allow her to go with Pegaslash and his team.
Master Ro-bow: Very well Legendary. You know what's best after all.

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