Beginning the cycle

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Scorpius. Had. Had it. Up to HERE with Kaos!

Kaos kept complaining about what had happened to his warehouse yesterday. He just wouldn't shut up!

Scorpius: ENOUGH!!! (growls)... (panting) Look Kaos, I get that you're upset, but-
Kaos: Upset? Upset?! Try FURIOUS!
Scorpius: Oh hush and drink your juice big 'K. What happened yesterday was a fluke. I have no clue how they managed to get there, let alone leave alive. But I do have a plan to make, them, pay.
Kaos: ...Well?
Scorpius: Ophi! Bring those scrolls in here!

"Ophi" was technically one of Kaos's... "archivers"... so to speak. Ok, so really he just looked into Kaos's mom's old library(s) from her old castle(s) to see if any of them had something Kaos could use for another one of his crazy plans. He was basically a walking snake with emerald green skin and small fangs sticking out of his mouth. Ophi actually didn't mind too much. Sure, he was being forced to work for Kaos, but it was the only way to keep Kaos and his forces from taking over his home. Besides, he liked books and things and, not going to lie, he did kinda like having access to all the knowledge Kaos's mum had. Like they say, knowledge is power... sweet sweet power...

Ophi placed the scrolls onto the desk, some dust coming off and getting in the air. Glumshanks picked up a scroll and looked at it. Looked normal enough for an old scroll. He started reading it as Ophi looked through the scrolls until finally picking one in particular.

Ophi: Yes Kaos, we have found something indeed. Something worth your interest I believe.
Kaos: Well? What is it?! And if it has anything to do with the Darkness forget it!
Scorpius: Well, how is anything NOT somehow connected to the Darkness nowadays Kaos😒. Tell him Ophi.
Ophi: (clears throat) I have found information suggesting an ancient group of warriors fought for the Ancients' honor against the Darkness long before the Giants came, which as we all know were the first Skylanders. They called themselves the Zodiac Warriors, for they were said their powers have come from the stars. They matched in perfect personality with their respective signs.
Kaos: ....And these warriors are relevant because...?
Ophi: They would reincarnate every 100 years, so the Ancients always called them to arms whenever there was trouble. However, their incarnations needed to awaken the Zodiac powers in them, during the time of their respective signs, before they could be "gathered and united and fought for one cause".
Jagged: Then how come we've never heard anything of these "Zodiac Warriors" until now?
Ophi: Their existence was lost to time. When the Arkeans came, the Ancients simply didn't have time to gather the Zodiac Warriors because, due to the only awakening their powers during their sign, would take a whole year to gather them. So the Ancients gathered the Giants, then after that... they just stopped calling them.
Scorpius: Meaning that they've been reincarnated over and over again without awakening their powers for over a dozen millennia Kaos! They've been living "normal lives"... until now.
Glumshanks: You're saying we'll gather them? How? We have no clue-
Ophi: The scrolls do speak of them and give rather subtle clues as to how to find and awaken them. We just have to find them during their respective signs' time according to astrology. It'll take a year, but with persistence and determination I believe we can find them. Taking their power as our- I mean, yours Kaos- it'll surely be enough to take down the Skylanders and rule all of Skylands!
Kaos: So how soon can we begin to find the first one? Uh...
Scorpius: Aries. And as luck or fate or whatever would have it, the time of Aries is here already.
Ophi: March 21st through April 19th to be exact.
Jagged: 😲 March 21st was just a few days ago! That means...
Scorpius: The time is now to find Aries, the Ram of Fire!
Kaos: (Cackles maniacally) Excellent! I want you to begin searching immediately Scorpius! Where do we find this goat?
Scorpius: Ram.
Kaos: Whatever.
Ophi: Where is it where is it where- Oh Glumshanks, you have it.
Glumshanks: Oh! Um, here.
Ophi: Thank you. Now, according to this scroll about Aries the Ram of Fire, he was said to have been born in a mountainous region somewhere. Now before you say anything, let's think about it a second. Rams that live in a mountainous region...
Jagged: Oh! The Gemstone Gully! It has rams and mountains there!
Kaos: Then get searching! We only have 29 days before the end of Aries! Find him!
Scorpius: At once Kaos! We won't disappoint you.
Kaos: See to it that you don't Scorpius.

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