Breaking down

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Scorpius walked around, waiting for Kaos and his troll butler to show up. Kaos apparently made some kind of machine that can lift the Dark Dragonslayer from the valley and into a better place so the trolls can get to work. Jagged walked up to Scorpius, with some upcoming rookie hunters behind him.

Jagged: Scorpius, these rookies wanted to know if you had any advice for dragon hunting.
Scorpius: Hm? Oh, sure, of course! Come here children.
Rookie 1: Oh boy oh boy!
Rookie 2: Tell us, tell us!
Scorpius: Now, listen well. Dragons, no matter what kind, are not to be taken lighty. No, all must be dealt with as seriously as you would the most dangerous of creatures. If you're using the classic "caught on a rope" trick and the dragon happens to get it around his neck, don't release them. Watch as they struggle to escape, unable to breathe fire or whatever breath they use, and wait until they either suffocate to unconsciousness or pass out from energy loss. It takes patience, but it is worth it in the end. After all, patience is a virtue.

Scorpius continued to teach the rookies rather disturbing things as they intently listened. Scorpius then advised that they should go and train with such advise in mind. Scorpius turned to see that Kaos and Glumshanks had finally shown up, but their faces seemed horribly disturbed by something.

Scorpius: Anything wrong?
Glumshanks: *nervously* 😕 Ahh.. Um, n-nothing! Uh, Lord Kaos has something to show you General Scorpius.
Kaos: What? Oh. (Clears throat) Yes! I, KAOS, have invented the most powerful claw ever! Powerful enough to lift anything, including the Dark Dragon-killer!
Scorpius: 😐 Dark Dragonslayer Lord Kaos.
Kaos: Whatever. Come along you two! I'll show you how powerful my Ultimate Claw of-
Scorpius: Doom?😒
Kaos: Nope! Of DESTRUCTION! Totally tricked you didn't I?
Scorpius: Of course.*sigh*

The three of them walked out onto a ledge that over looked where the Dark Dragonslayer was. Sure enough, there was a massive claw equipped crane over the Dark Dragonslayer, ready to lift it out. Kaos, controller in hand, pressed a button or two and the claw dropped and carefully grabbed the old warship. A few more button presses and the claw started to lift the ship. It seemed to actually be working... until a rope snapped somewhere in the crane and the claw dropped the ship. As the trolls immediately went to see if the Dark Dragonslayer was severely damaged, Scorpius immediately went into rage mode and actually held Kaos over the ledge, threatening to drop him.

Scorpius: 😠 I'm gonna do it! I swear I'll drop you and believe me the landing WILL HURT!!!
Kaos: AAAAHHHH!!! Glumshanks, do something!
Glumshanks: Uh, uh... Mister Scorpius, sir, I h-have a solution, I think.
Scorpius:😠 Well?! What is it?!
Glumshanks: Uh, m-maybe we can get a professional mechanical genius or someone like that to help us?
Scorpius: Yeah? Well, last time I checked, Dr.Krankcase was on the Skylanders' side, and I'm not in the mood nor do I have the firepower to go straight to the Citadel and raid the place just-
Glumshanks: No no no, hear me out! M-maybe we can get some of the Skylanders out with a trap or something. And hopefully, one or two of them will be Tech Skylanders. Maybe even the renowned Drobot or Sprocket will be there.
Scorpius: (panting)..... That might work.

Scorpius took Kaos away from the edge and dropped him onto the dropped him onto the ground. Kaos was just now starting to think that handling this guy was going to be like being around Wolfgang again.

Scorpius: Yes... Yes! We'll take your minions Kaos, attack some town, trick the Skylanders into coming out, and then we'll kidnap the Tech elemental ones and make them help us in rising the Dark Dragonslayer once more! It's brilliant! Ooooo, I'll take special interest in making that Drobot dragon work endlessly if we capture him! Kaos, gather your best warriors and allow me to do the rest!

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