New villain in town

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Mayflo: (quietly) Alabra.
Alabra: *groan*
Mayflo: (quietly) Alabra!

May shook Alabra awake. She didn't want to, but she felt Alabra was the only one she could turn to at this hour of the night. She expected Alabra to be mad since not only was it close to midnight, but she was supposed to be asleep ages ago.

Alabra: *groan* M-may? What time is it?
Mayflo: (quietly) ...11:34?
Alabra: *sigh* Nightmares again?
Mayflo: ...No...
Alabra: Did you even take any sleeping pills tonight?
Mayflo: ...Well... I-I thought I could do without tonight...
Alabra: *sigh* So you haven't even slept a wink huh?
Mayflo: ...No...
Alabra: ...Does this have anything to do with what happened with- what was her name?- Ajey?
Mayflo: ...Y-yeah...
Alabra: (nods) Was it something she said May?
Mayflo: I-I don't know. She was a real tough fighter out there Al. I really thought for a moment she was gonna kill me. Honest.
Alabra: So I hear. Well, she's probably an expert May. She knows what she's doing out there and that's probably part of the reason they let her in in the first place.
Mayflo: I know... But, I think I saw things she didn't want me seeing...
Alabra: Like?
Mayflo: ...O-one of her gloves got burned by one of my magic orbs. And it exposed her paw...
Alabra: ...And?
Mayflo: ...Her paws... they looked as if the claws that should've been there were ripped out... horribly...
Alabra: Ouch. That's understandable for her to not want people seeing. But May, Earth cats get their claws ripped out sometimes for a number of reasons. Ajey is no different... I guess.
Mayflo: Well whatever the reason was she didn't want me knowing. I asked her and all she said was "don't remind me". I feel she's been through more then we know Al. Besides, I feel bad for not taking her hand and talking mean to her like I did. I-I can't even believe I did that. I never slapped anyone o-or talked anywhere close to mean before...
Alabra: Everyone gets a little antsy with other people sometimes May. It's perfectly normal. Sometimes you gotta let out some hot air and people kinda catch you at a bad time occasionally. You're fine May, trust me. Besides, after that stunt she pulled on you I probably would've gotten up in her face about it myself.
Mayflo: I guess... But... There's something else bothering me... Earlier when that Muerte lady showed up and brought out treats for everyone, Vilay held me back. I wasn't even going to get any and she held me back, as if she didn't want me getting near Muerte. Why would she do that?
Alabra: *yawn* W-well... Maybe she knew Muerte before Muerte became a skeleton. Muerte may have been a bad person before the Undead and now, after seeing her ways, Muerte changed a new leaf and Vilay was just unsure about the whole thing. I don't know. If Master Eon trusts Muerte then I think we can trust her too.
Mayflo: ...I guess... It still bothers me though...
Alabra: Enough to keep you awake?
Mayflo: ... (nods)... Is it ok if... you know...
Alabra: 😏 Of course May. *yawn* Come on and get comfortable.

Alabra lifted his blanket to let May underneath. May almost immediately went under the irresistible fabric and wrapped her arms around Alabra's waist from behind him. Alabra straightened the blanket before laying his head down onto his pillow again and fell asleep within an instant.

Next morning

Sun Dragon and Eteru were hanging out after class at the smoothie shop. Sunny was having wild cherry, while Eteru had, what else, sour apple! The matter of Eteru's powers was brought up, and Eteru began to be reclusive somewhat after the mentioning. Who could blame him? He had kept the powers from almost everyone to keep not only other people from finding out about him, but to protect everyone else from whatever he was involved in due to his heritage.

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