Light vs Magic

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After telling everyone about his findings about the potential threat of the Dark Dragonslayer, Sun Dragon waa told to leave the most important missions for the professionals; the Skylanders themselves. He prayed that they would be alright. Hopefully this ship Scorpius was working on didn't have anything to do with the Dark Dragonslayer, but one couldn't tell with Scorpius involved and needed to ready for anything.

Vilay was staying at the Academy, mostly for her own protection. Emolition was back to his usual emotionless self with no real "side effects" to the events of two days prior. All and all, things were... kinda getting back to its usual pace. Still, Sun Dragon still wanted to crank up his game to keep up with everything. Especially if what Sirin told him, Mixcoatl, and Fin-Point about Eteru is true. Oh, and Sailiga too. He was there.

So it was good news when his Elemental Class was doing the PvP training battles with another class again. This time, however, they weren't fighting the Dark Elemental Class. It was the Magic Elemental Class they were going up against.

Magic... Some consider it complex and a fantasy beyond realization and belief. For Skylands, it was very real and very simple. It was a form of energy that could take any form. Light, Dark, Life, Undead... just about anything and everything. It's very complicated for those who can't comprehend Magic, but it was like a neutral energy force that drives many other energies.

The Magic Elemental Class was lead by the Skylander Dune Bug, with his generations old knowledge and mastery of Magic. And the specific class at that time? Eteru, Cosmic, and May's!

Mayflo: (shaking) I-I-I-I h-hate P-P-PvP f-f-fights... *Whimpers*😟
Lance Light: Easy girl, easy! You don't have to do this if you don't want to.
Eteru: Um, she's avoided pretty much every one of these PvP get togethers. She kinda has to this time I think.
Mayflo: (shaking violently) I-I-I-I-I w-wish A-a-alabra was h-h-here... *Whimpers*😭
Cosmic: Calm yourself May! You freaking out is freaking me out!
Sun Dragon: May! May! Calm down! Breath deeply okay?
Flaradise: I'm sure Dune will understand if you don't want to do it now May.
Eteru: I think the real problem is the fact there's no telling what any of you Light Elemental lot can do. I mean, there's some serious bruisers from the looks of things!

Eteru stood like a meerkat and looked around at the other Light Elemental cadets. Some were angels. Some were strange beings that Eteru didn't recognize. He even spotted a clouded leopard-like warrior in full dragon scale armor. And they all looked pretty tough and in peak condition...

Lance Light: I don't think you'll have too much to worry about May. Today we're doing Double Time.
Sun Dragon and Eteru: "Double Time"? Oh, jinx!😂
Flaradise: 2Pv2P. Team battle essentially.
Cosmic: The fights and teams are always random, so you'll never know what might happen!
Sun Dragon: 😮Oh! Sounds interesting!
Eteru: You're probably ok then May! You'll have someone in your corner out there!
Mayflo: (shaking) "P-p-p-probably"? 😟
Sun Dragon: May, if you're going to be a Skylander, then you have to fight eventually. Sometimes peace can only be achieved with a slight amount of conflict. It's not avoidable in a place like Skylands, and especially with Scorpius getting more threatening by the day. Please, at least give it your best shot May! No one ever really gets hurt during these training battles anyway. Come on. Try...
Cosmic: He's right May. At least try. Who knows? You may take the field like a shooting star out there!
Mayflo: *Whimpers* ...I-I-I'll think about it... I guess.
Sun Dragon: That's better. 😊 You'll be fine May!

Double Time is meant to help students understand the importance of being in a team, coordinate strategies, combining powers, and a whole lot more! Naturally, they were using a much larger field for the training session to allow more free room for the cadets. As you might've guessed, the cadets were randomized and chosen separately, so the teams and match-ups were always different.

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