Dragon Class

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Now the day has come to take the Dragon Class. Sun Dragon couldn't wait, of course.

The Dragon Class was one of many Species Classes a Skylander could have. If their a dragon, like Sun Dragon is an oriental dragon or Spyro a purple dragon, then they take the Dragon Class. If a cadet is an elf, like Stealth Elf or Flameslinger, then they take the Elf Class. There are many more of these classes: Bird Class, Fish Class, Reptile Class, Robot Class, Dinosaur Class, Plant Class, etc. It's possible to have multiple of these classes, usually if a cadet is a hybrid. For example, the Skylander Sunburn is a hybrid of Dragon and Phoenix. Therefore, he would get both the Dragon Class and Bird Class. If a cadet was of an unknown or uncommon species, like Skylander Starstrike who are from outside Skylands or Slobbertooth whose the only Skylander of his respective species, then they take a Special Class for unique cadets. You get the idea. Oh, reformed villians take these classes too. They attend the Academy just like everyone else, so they can't be left out.

These classes are to help cadets learn more about each other more. Why some dragons have wings and others don't? What all is the history of dragons as people in Skylands? All things relating to dragons. It was also a chance to meet other dragons and socialize. Dragons can be very social creatures. Like Sun Dragon, who is very social.

Sun Dragon already knew who taught the Dragon Class. None other then one of the Legendary Skylanders, Legendary Blades. He was the one of the most noble of the Legendary Skylanders, second only to Legendary Spyro. Ever heard of a knight in shining armor? Well, both Blades and his Legendary counterpart are dragons in shining armor, and they act like it too. Earth has a saying that says chivalry is a dying habit, but in Skylands it is no where close to dying. The Legendary Skylanders are living proof of that. A Legendary Skylander is created via pychomancy-like magic. There is a competition every year amongst the Skylanders exclusively to determine who shall the new Legendary Skylander will be. When the winner is decided, a statue of them is created, then Legendary Spyro takes some of that Skylander's elemental energy along with his own to bring the statue to life as a Legendary Skylander. Same goes for the Dark Skylanders as well, for there must be a balance between the two. Otherwise, the magic in Skylands might become unstable and lord knows what would happen afterwards.

Sun Dragon made it to class. Legendary Blades was helping some of his other winged students learn a new flying technique or two. Everyone else either watched or talked amongst themselves.

Sun Dragon: Excuse me sir, you're Blades's Legendary counterpart yes?
Legendary Blades: Oh! Yes yes, and you're... Sun Dragon, right?
Sun Dragon: Yes. I'm glad that a Legendary shall be one of my teachers! I see that you're teaching your students some flying moves, but I'm afraid I don't have wings like them.
Legendary Blades: The pleasure is mine. And don't worry about it. You can just sit with the others for today. We should be teaching something more up your alley sometime this week, if not tomorrow. Besides, you're new here and many of the teachers like to have a free day so the new student can meet the other cadets. Go on and sit down and get acquainted with them.
Sun Dragon: As you wish, Legendary Blades.

Sun Dragon then looked around the area for a place to rest. Many of these Species Classes were outside classes, so it took some time to get to them. The area was like a short tower with an opening at the top. The top of the tower was for the Dragon Class, while the center was for the Bird Class, and the bottom was for the Subterranean Class(that's the class for creatures like Terrafin, Prism Break, Rocky Roll, etc.). Sun Dragon couldn't help but notice that Cosmic was amongst the students taking flying lessons. It wasn't her turn to fly yet, if she hasn't already, so Sun Dragon figured he could chat with her for a bit.

Sun Dragon: Afternoon me lady.
Cosmic: Oh Sun Dragon! Don't sneak up on me like that. You're taking this class too hmm?
Sun Dragon: Of course! You taking flying lessons?
Cosmic: Yeah. It's not my turn yet for a while though. Can you fly Sun Dragon?
Sun Dragon: Well, yes and no.
Cosmic: 😮 What do you mean "yes and no"?
Sun Dragon: Us oriental dragons can use magic to fly around as we please. Many of my people chose not to take off in front of other creatures though.
Cosmic: Really? What about you? Do you use your flight magic in front of people?
Sun Dragon: Well, I don't fly much often. Only when I absolutely have to, you know? But I wouldn't mind letting people in on my flight magic. Us oriental dragons tend to be so secretive it's amazing anyone in Skylands knows about us as a people. I want to break away from that sort-of life. Not that I think every one of my secrets should be let out you know.
Cosmic: I got 'cha. Are you going to take these flying lessons then? I mean, what better chance to tell people about your capability of wingless flight?
Sun Dragon: Tempting, but no. Those techniques Legendary Blades is teaching are really for winged dragons. Besides, my people believe that if word got around that we know the secret of wingless flight, then that would lead people to try and hunt us down. Besides, I'm the new student! This is like my free day in this class!
Cosmic: Well, if you say so. I wouldn't mind if maybe you show me your magic sometime, if that's okay with you.
Sun Dragon: Sure Cosmic. I'd love to. Not today though. Me and Crocavile are planning on pulling a prank later today, but sometime soon I'll show you my magic. Okay?
Cosmic: Okay! Can't wait! 😊

Some time passed after that discussion. Finally it was Cosmic's turn to try the new flying technique. Sun Dragon watched as Cosmic and Legendary Blades flew across the sky just above the tower. She twisted and turned and somersaulted and barrel-rolled so gracefully, so beautifully. She was a natural born flyer. Sun Dragon found himself staring with wide eyes. He seemed... drawn to Cosmic somehow.

It might not be so strange. Daphne had told Sun Dragon that Cosmic was not just a magical dragon; she was literally born on a shooting star. She was a crossbreed between the blood and body of a dragon and the power and grace of a star. Cosmic used to actually live amongst the stars until the Skylanders Flashwing and Starstrike met her during a mission. As for Sun Dragon, he had the ability to harness Skylands's Sun's light. With the Sun being a star itself, it would really be natural for Sun Dragon to seemed drawn to Cosmic.

Eventually everyone who could fly had their turn and class ended soon after. Now Sun Dragon could perform his first prank at the Academy, with none other then "the expert."


Crocavile:*giggles* Oh, this is going to be so gooood! Puhuhu!
Sun Dragon: He is so going to be ticked off at us for doing this! I can't wait! Is the bucket in place?
Crocavile: Ready and loaded, Sunny!
Sun Dragon: The rope tight enough but not too tight?
Crocavile: Yes sir! All that's missin' is the trigger. After you.
Sun Dragon: Oh no. After you.
Crocavile: No please, I insist. This is your first prank here. You should set up the trigger.
Sun Dragon: I insist that you set it. After all, this prank was your idea.
Crocavile: Oh, I got it! Both of us will set up the trigger.
Sun Dragon: Splendid!

Both of them picked up two sides of a rope and stretched it across the width of the archway and low to the ground. They made sure this rope was tied off as tightly as possible.

Crocavile: Hey Sunny, can I be honest about somethin'?
Sun Dragon: What is it?
Crocavile: This is actually the first time someone's helped me with a prank. Like, ever.
Sun Dragon: Really?
Crocavile:...Nope! That's a lie! Kekeke! Fooled ya didn't I?
Sun Dragon: Ssshhh. Oh, here he comes! Quickly!

Crocavile hurriedly tied off his end of the rope before joining Sun Dragon behind a nearby bush. Monitar was walking by, trying to flirt with Daphne as usual. Suddenly he tripped over the rope and fell on his back in front of Daphne. The vibration of the rope set off a somewhat complex system that ended with knocking over a bucket of ice water onto Monitar. Him being a Fire elemental, steam rised in the air as Monitar screamed angry words out at whoever was behind this. Sun Dragon, Crocavile, and even Daphne laughed as Monitar was too embarrassed to stick around.


Well, another chapter done!

By the way, I never really did go into much detail as to what Cosmic looks like, did I? Don't worry though, I drew a picture of her a while back before I started writing this fan-fic, with joltiklover's permission of course.

By the way, I never really did go into much detail as to what Cosmic looks like, did I? Don't worry though, I drew a picture of her a while back before I started writing this fan-fic, with joltiklover's permission of course

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Also, I could use some help coming up with possible extracurricular classes and a first mission for Sun Dragon. It has to make sense to the canon of Skylanders as well as something Sun Dragon would get involved with. I'm open to ideas. See ya! 🐉 

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