the VIP treatment

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Earlier in the morning, Master King Pen requested an audience with as many cadets as he could tell in the centerplace of the Academy. Apparently he was announcing something important to everyone. Sun Dragon was on his way there when Fangz and his talking sword Shade Bane came and stopped him.

Fangz: Sun! I know you're probably going to hear Master King Pen's announcement, but Shade Bane wishes to speak with you.
Sun Dragon: Oh? That be true Shade?
Shade Bane: Yes Sun Dragon, I feel we need to talk. Fangz, I wish for this to be a private discussion please.
Fangz: Um, ok. Say, since everyone's going to see Master King Pen's announcement, you can give Shade Bane back to me there. Ok?
Sun Dragon: Of course young Fangz.

Fangz handed Shade Bane to Sun Dragon carefully. He then took a running start, stretched out his wings, and flew just above the ground towards the gathering place of Master King Pen's announcement.

Sun Dragon: Now, what be it the problem old friend?
Shade Bane: I feel I must admit to you some things Sun Dragon. It involves your new friend Eteru.
Sun Dragon: Oh? Don't tell me you've met him already.
Shade Bane: .....Very much that Sun. I have met him before. I suppose you could even say he was a.... previous wielder of mine.
Sun Dragon: 😮Oh? Then how-?
Shade Bane: *sigh* It'd be rather complicated to explain entirely. You see, one of my previous wielders had been hired to... hunt for Eteru. Then him and his allies found out that the one who hired them was planning to use Eteru for... lord knows what. We helped Eteru escape, and planned to fight back against this enemy. During the fight, my master was knocked through the walls, and Eteru had just returned when he saw us. My master.... didn't have much longer to live, so he gave me to young Eteru so he may fight against this new evil....
Sun Dragon: 😦
Shade Bane: Things got out of control, and the ship crashed not far from a vampire village... the one where I eventually met with Fangz. Now, I believe yesterday when I saw Eteru at your gathering, he did not recognize me. That doesn't bother me though. I would just like to say that you, Sun Dragon, should do all you can to help the young dragon. Please, for me and my old master's sake.
Sun Dragon: .....Need not say please for an act I have already done, Shade Bane. Don't worry, I'll watch over him to the best of my ability.
Shade Bane: I know you will Sun. Thank you. I do feel that this matter shouldn't be brought up in front of anyone for now. Fangz tends to get inquisitive about what my previous wielders were like you know.
Sun Dragon: (chuckles) If you wish Shade. Fangz won't knew a word of this discussion.
Shade Bane: Thank you old friend.

Sun Dragon then presided to walk to the center of the Academy grounds, carring Shade Bane with him. He managed to weave through the crowd and find Fangz alright. Fangz asked if he should know something about their discussion, and Sun Dragon said that it was just a talk between old friends who haven't seen each other in a long time. After a while of waiting for other cadets to come, Master King Pen himself came out and started his announcement.

Master King Pen: Good morning everyone! I do hope I didn't bother any of you late sleepers. (Chuckles) Now, I wish to announce some great news to you all, so listen well. I have been informed that visitors from outside Skylands are going to be staying over here at our Academy while they're here! I believe they arrived sometime yesterday and that Master Eon has urged them to visit this fine establishment. Now, this is where the important part comes in. I'm told they are very well known here and on Earth, so I do urge that you treat them like you treat me, the other Senseis, and of course our dedicated teachers. I'm also told one of them has a small rarely seen creature with them, so I do urge that no one tries to make off with it or intend to harm it. I believe they plan to stay here for merely a week long, so let us make their stay here as enjoyable as we can make it. We'll leave it a surprise as to who they are for now, since they are as well known as they are. They are due to arrive sometime between now and this afternoon, so brace yourselves. They have also agreed to help us here with all of you students and reformed cadets, so if you wish to speak with them for assistance, then you may do so politely and kindly. Remember, to treat them with the upmost respect and honor as you do me, the Senseis, and the teachers. That is all. Thank you for taking your time to listen. Good day to you all. (Bows)
Everyone: (cheers)

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