Stranger in town

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Sun Dragon, Jace, Ivy, Crocavile, Cosmic, and Patch were heading toward the library. Patch needed help studying for some of her classes so Jace volunteered to help. Ivy came cause Jace is her bae and of course she was going to come, plus she was also Patch's friend. Sun Dragon came along since him and Patch got along great together, plus Sun Dragon said he was great with children. Cosmic came since she actually never met Patch until a few days ago when she stopped by during one of Sun Dragon's hang-outs when he introduced everyone to Bike-Trike. Crocavile came along since he was planning on going to the library anyway, plus he actually enjoyed Sun Dragon's company. Whatever Sun Dragon was involved in, it would likely have some fun involved. Plus Crocavile supposedly was good with children too, and considering his childish nature the others decided he could come along, even if he was lying. As per usual.

They went ahead and helped Patch with the harder stuff first so they could go ahead and get that out of the way. First the Biology Class, then the Combat Class, then the Alchemy Class. The rest that had to be studied, Patch's Special Class, her Magic Elemental Class, and of course her extracurricular Designer Class(the fashion kind of designer), was easy for Patch to remember. They went over it anyway just to make sure she had everything. Crocavile noticed something that caught his attention and soon found himself staring. The others started noticing him.

Ivy: Croc, what are you doing now?
Cosmic: Probably planning another prank or theft or something.😒
Sun Dragon: Now now Crocavile, it's rude to stare. We must be good examples for young Patch.
Crocavile: Hey, ain't my idea. Master Mysticat is hanging with some cool kitten over there. See?

They looked and saw that Crocavile was actually right. Master Mysticat, a Magic Sorcerer Class Sensei sphinx, was reading out-loud to some anthropomorphic lynx. The creature was the size of an average Core Skylander and it wore clothes like a human. No seriously, while similar characters like Sonic only wear a few clothes, this cat wore a full set. It had a pair of black goggles on its head, it wore a blue hoodie, some white gloves, a pair of red shorts, and awful big shoes. It had orange and tan fur, pearly white teeth, and a large pair of neon green eyes with black irises, a common trait for cat eyes.

Ivy: Hey Jace, do you think that cat is from outside Skylands? You know, like Spyro and Cynder originally are.
Jace: Judging from its looks it probably is, but new things are being discovered all the time in Skylands so who knows?
Cosmic: I don't know. You'd think we'd hear about something like that sooner if that cat was from Skylands.
Sun Dragon: Then again people like the Senseis can be secretive. You've all heard how Master Eon didn't say anything about Spotlight till after what happened with the Trap Team, around when the Light and Dark elements were discovered. And he trained Spotlight until the first Core of Light was destroyed by that Hydra monster and still didn't say anything to the Skylanders about her, even after she was apparently banished with the Skylanders to Earth too!
Crocavile: And that's not nearly as secretive as I could get!
Crocavile: Alright, alright, you got me. That was a lie. I'm not secretive at all. On a serious note though, where's Patch?
Cosmic: She's right- Patch!?
Sun Dragon: Uh oh, look.

They saw that Patch had got up and walked over to Master Mysticat and his guest. That was Patch for you; if she thought something was a good idea, she'll up and do it. Kids man. Master Mysticat didn't notice Patch was standing there til he noticed his friend kept nudging his head toward Patch.

Mastet Mysticat: Oh, Patch. I didn't see you there.
Patch: Hello Master Mysticat, who's your new friend here?
???: Uh...H-hi there.
Jace: Master Mysticat!

Jace and the others caught up to Patch. They quickly bowed in respect to Master Mysticat, him being a Sensei and all.

Jace: Sorry if Patch bothered you sir. We saw you with your guest there and we got to talking and, well, I guess Patch had her own ideas.
Master Mysticat: Oh it's no trouble at all, Jace. In fact, I've been meaning to introduce this lad to some of the students. Go on.
???: Oh, um, o-ok.(Clears throat) Hello, my n-name is Blinx. Sorry I seem n-nervous, normally I'm not. I'm just l-learning to speak what you call "en-gil-o-ish" so forgive me.
Sun Dragon: I think you speak English just fine Blinx. Call me Sun Dragon, and this is Jace, Ivy, Cosmic, Crocavile, and of course Patch here.
Blinx: Nice to meet you all, and thank you. Mysticat and the other Senseis say I'm making good progress.
Master Mysticat: You are Blinx. That was very good.
Ivy: Master Mysticat, is Blinx from outside Skylands like Spyro, Cynder, Crash, and others?
Master Mysticat:(nodding) Yes he is. Da Pinchy introduced Blinx to Master Eon.
Blinx: Eon r-recom-mended I learn you lang-u-age so I can better com-mu-ni-cate with Skylands' res-i-dents. How was that Mysticat?
Master Mysticat: Very good Blinx.
Crocavile: Ooooooohhhh, what's this thing?

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