Elemental Class

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Today was Sun Dragon's first actual class; his Elemental Class. Every cadet had one. Each cadet was of one of the 10 known elements in Skylands: Magic, Tech, Life, Undead, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, and Dark. Since Sun Dragon is classified as a Light elemental cadet, he was to attend the Light elemental class which was taught by one of the few official Light Skylanders Astroblast, the only Light elemental Supercharger. He was told that there weren't as many Light or Dark cadets as there were cadets of the other classes since Light and Dark were only discovered a few years ago. Still, Sun Dragon was excited as always to meet more of his fellow students. Especially those of his own element. He wondered what creatures he would meet.

He soon found that he was going to be the "odd ball" of the class. Most Light elementals were mostly white, maybe some light yellow, and a few specks of other colors. However, Sun Dragon's body was green with orange frills with only his claws, teeth, and horns showing a pearl white color and his eyes shining with a dandelion yellow. He appeared to be more of a Life elemental then Light. It didn't bother him at all, nor was Astroblast bothered. The other Elemental Classes had at least one cadet that seemed out of their elemental zone. It was customary for the new student to be tested by the teacher for their elemental properties, and Sun Dragon didn't object to the test.

Astroblast: All you have to do is focus your energy onto this crystal here and make it shine bright. With enough power, you might be able to crack or even shatter it! Don't worry if you do though, I can always get more crystals.
Sun Dragon: That's all? Well, this should be a challenge. Never tried anything like this, but I'll happily accept!
Astroblast: Alright. Now just stand here. Think of nothing but the crystal. Imagine your very aura transfer to the crystal. If it helps you can move your arms in a slow, steady, and balanced order. Take your time, close your eyes, and concentrate.

Astroblast slowly stepped aside as Sun Dragon stood on his hind legs and closed his eyes. He started moving his claws back and forth as if he was moving an invisible ball between his arms. He spun in place slowly and carefully. After a minute, he finally stood still with his claws stretching towards the crystal. As his eyes squeezed together tighter, the crystal started shining. It started as a dim light before it became such a resounding brilliance. It only lasted a few seconds before Sun Dragon dropped his arms and the light was gone.

Astroblast: Beautiful Sun Dragon! It didn't strain you too much, did it?
Sun Dragon: Oh no Astroblast, I'm fine. It does take some energy out of ya, but nothing serious. I feel like I could have made it brighter if I had one of my pearls.
Astroblast: Oh, you use pearls to focus your powers Sun Dragon?
Sun Dragon: Only if I have to. Us oriental dragons are quite fond of treasures, especially pearls. They have many magical properties you know, pearls I mean. Don't worry about it. As you can see I could do without a pearl if I had to.
Astroblast: If you say so Sun Dragon. Anyway, you passed the test! Welcome to the Light Elemental Class! Feel free to go on and meet the other cadets while I grade some assignments from this morning.
Sun Dragon: Of course!

The other students clapped in welcoming their newest edition. Sun Dragon greeted them happily and soon he felt "in the zone." Elemental zone puns I swear. Sun Dragon met with one cadet in particular that caught his interests. He didn't hesitate to go over to meet them.

Sun Dragon: Excuse me miss, but you wouldn't happen to be a phoenix would you?
???: Why yes I am dear friend. Name's Flaradise. It's nice to meet you, especially since you're an oriental dragon!
Sun Dragon: Yes it is! Us oriental dragons and phoenixes have lived in such harmony with one another for centuries! Tell me though, how are you a Light elemental when phoenixes are-
Flaradise: Normally born Fire elemental. I know. Before I hatched I was orphaned and taken in by an angel. Since his home was that of Light, I too was born of that Light. I was raised to be fair to all and see justice in everything, just as any Light elemental should.
Sun Dragon: How true and inspiring Flaradise! One can learn from your words truly!
Flaradise: Oh Sun Dragon, you yourself have a way with words don't you?😁 What about you hm?
Sun Dragon: Me?
Flaradise: How are you a Light elemental yourself Sun Dragon? Or is it pure luck your Light elemental?
Sun Dragon: Oh, well I suppose it's pure luck. I was born just as any other oriental dragon was. I lived with my birth parents. Before the discovery of the Light and Dark elements I was considered a Life elemental or possibly a Fire elemental. Now oriental dragons are categorized as Light elementals, and that includes me.
Flaradise: I see, I see. Oh, Lance Light! Come over here a minute!

Flaradise motioned another cadet over to join the conversation. Surpise surprise, it was a literal angel she spoke to. Lance Light was from the very home Flaradise hatched in, and he was a valiant angel indeed.

Lance Light: Yes Flaradise?
Flaradise: Come meet the new student Sun Dragon! Sun Dragon, this is Lance Light. You can just call him Lance for short.
Lance Light: Nice to meet you Sun Dragon.
Sun Dragon: It's nice to meet an actual angel Lance! Tell me, how did you get recommended as a Skylander?
Lance Light: Oh, it wasn't nothing too special.
Flaradise: You call defeating half an army of trolls single-handedly before the Angelic Guard could arrive "nothing too special?"
Sun Dragon: Half an army of trolls?! Single-handedly?!
Lance Light: Well... Not that I'm a show-off or anything.
Flaradise: Of course not Lance. It's still quite an impressive feat though!
Sun Dragon: Quite impressive indeed Lance!
Lance Light: I'm not that good. Especially compared to my brothers. I mean, I can't even fly like them. Glide yes, but flying... It isn't my strong point.😳
Sun Dragon: And you still defeated a half of a troll army? Wow! Your brothers must be proud of you Lance, truly! Then again, what more could you expect from such a determined soul as yours Lance!
Flaradise: You proved your brothers that wings don't define an angel.
Sun Dragon: Pit could learn a thing or two from you!
Lance Light: Pit?
Sun Dragon: Ever played the game Kid Icarus? Pit is an angel who serves the Goddess of light Lady Palentana. He too is incapable of true flight without outside assistance. Come to think of it, you look very much like Pit. One of your brothers wouldn't happen to be black feathered and gothic in nature would they?
Lance Light: No. Angels aren't born with black feathers at all. An angel could dye their feathers black, but never born with them.
Sun Dragon: Still, the resemblance between you and Pit is uncanny. They do say that some people have a clone in another world someplace. I have a copy of Kid Icarus Uprising if you'd like to see for yourself sometime Lance.
Lance Light: You do have me interested Sun Dragon. Sounds like something I'd like looking into.
Flaradise: That's one of Nintendo's games isn't it?
Sun Dragon: Yes it is. I fancy myself as a bit of a gamer you know. Perhaps later today you can come over to my place and I can show you?
Flaradise: Don't have anything planned after class, so I'm free. You Lance?
Lance Light: Sure. I'm free 'til this evening. I'll come over.

They enjoyed the rest of their conversation. After class, they did as scheduled and came to Sun Dragon's room to play a game or two. Lance Light was surprised at how much this Pit character did, in fact, look very much like him. He seemed to enjoy the game and it's humor too. Flaradise couldn't help but laugh at some Pit's corny puns and conversations.


Flaradise is an OC Skylander of my own creation. Lance Light is the creation of Foximator here on Wattpad. If you're interested in Skylanders then check him and his books out. As with my other OC Skylanders you can read about Flaradise in my Fiction and Fantasy book.

Also just to clarify, Lance wasn't embarrassed about not being able to fly; he just wasn't used to being praised like he was by Flaradise and Sun Dragon.

Also also, if you've never heard of Kid Icarus or Pit, I suggest you look into it. Pit is that angel character in Smash Bros. Kid Icarus Uprising is really funny and is a good game for 3ds if you're interested. See you next chapter!🐉

P.S. I just noticed that the dragon icon I always used has a little pearl in its hand. 😅

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