prisoner to tyranny pt.3

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*this chapter takes place in the same day as the last chapter*

Sailiga told everyone a little about himself on the way back to the Academy. He was apparently an extremely rare creature called a "Questing Beast", which were creatures with an unique mixture of animal traits for each beast. Sailiga also explained that he was a Life elemental, and he knew since he was apparently able to talk to plants and animals. Well, animals that can't talk English obviously. He had been considering becoming a Skylander for some time now, but then he apparently heard about Furori and figured it'd be a good chance to prove his ability. Something seemed slightly off about that, but then Sailiga Manu seemed odd anyway. His looks, his personality, his knowledge, that Irish accent of his, just about everything about him was odd.

Suddenly a call came in. Apparently the lighting dragon Voltair and his fox friend was raiding Scorpius's forces again, by themselves, and this time they weren't pulling any punches. Sun Dragon and co. were to go straight to Scorpius's current fortress and assist him. Sharpfin took them there within a moments notice, and next thing they knew, the fight was on!

Sirin's skills as a fighter were incredible! She was excellent as a swordsman- erm, swords-woman, that is. She could even travel through shadows with her Dark Aura ability. Guess that means she's a Dark elemental? Sailiga was rather playful with the enemy. He kept tauntingly dodging lighting blasts and vine whips like it was a game, and he kept verbally taunting them too, saying that they couldn't catch him. When the fox tried capturing Scorpius with his vines, however, Sailiga stepped in and somehow halted the vines without even touching them. This took everyone by surprise, including the fox. Sailiga then simply asked the vines to kindly "help their mind controlled fox friend by holding him and the lighting dragon in place", then suddenly the tables, or more accurately the vines, turned on Voltair and the fox as the vines pretty much rebelled and tied the two up slightly off the ground. Everyone was impressed, even Scorpius.

Sailiga: Thank you dear vine friends greeko! *giggles* Now Skylanders, what shall we do with them, hm?
Xilas: Wooo! Awesome job new guy! Xilas likes your style!
Scorpius: Where'd you meet this guy?
Bazookanine: We met Sailiga at a graveyard. Don't ask.
Scorpius: No I meant this badger freak. He practically wreaked the whole place here while we were fighting. 😡
Xilas: Whoops😅... I-I'll leave everything to my invisible cat here. Now when do we crash Furori's party?!
Sun Dragon: We have to wait for the signal for that first Xilas. Besides, I believe our current course of action is to find a way to break Furori's mind control on these poor lads. Any ideas?
Xilas: Oh oh, I know! Isn't a conk on the head the cure to mind control every time?
Fin-Point: That's for amnesia, you idiot.😒
Xilas: ...Oh...

No one seemed to come up with anything that could help. Cynder and Camo couldn't think of anything either. After thinking about it some, the Dreadyaught showed up, Joshua coming off. However, his face didn't show that usual douche smile of his. In fact, it seemed quite serious. His tone of voice wasn't very cheerful and playful either.

Joshua: Glad you lot are alright. Phobia just showed and she looks pretty bad. We left her over there to rest.
Sun Dragon: Oh thank goodness for that!
Cynder: Joshua, you seem... different. Is anything wrong?
Fin-Point: Apart from the obvious you mean?
Joshua: *sigh* Something is wrong... Phobia said that Raven was rescuing her, but then Raven was fighting with none other then those two when she last saw her... And Raven hasn't called or anything... And my sixth sense has these terrible "vibes" about what could be happening to her...
Mayflo: Oh no... You don't think she was... *gulp* c-captured, do you?
Mixcoatl: Let's hope no-
Fin-Point: Yeah no she's captured. And we're screwed.
Sun Dragon: Fin-Point!
Fin-Point: What? It's obvious, isn't it? Or all of you just that stupid?
Joshua: *sigh* I hate to say it, but... all the evidence indicates that Raven may, in fact, be in Furori's clutches.
Fin-Point: See? Even the prissy teenager kid knows it.
Bazookanine: Fin-Point that is enough! Listen Force Shield don't think for a second that- Force Shield?

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