prisoner to tyranny: pt.1

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Dreamcatcher: I ain't seein' nothing NiGHTS! Can we go back now?
NiGHTS: (mumbling) And Owl says I'm bad about not doing work😒.
Phobia: Oh come on Dreamcatcher. We must be doing something right! There hasn't been any nightmares or deaths reported since the day before yesterday.

Dreamcatcher, NiGHTS, Phobia, and the Skylander Blackout have been searching the Skylandian part of the Dream Realm in hopes of finding a reason for the mysterious deaths in Lassea's village. However, they haven't found much of anything. If anything, nothing seemed wrong, other than the weird dreams mabu reportedly had. The deaths had actually come to a complete halt.

The only thing that seemed strange was this red mist that's going around... and eerie music.

Blackout: I don't trust that mist, or fog, or whatever it's called. And the music coming from it makes me uneasy...
Phobia: I know, but I've checked those mist clouds and I didn't find anything. I'll go check them again, but I probably won't find anything.

Phobia hopped over some distance away to the closest red mist in the area. She checked the area out and even went into the fog, but nothing other than the music. Phobia was about to hop back to the others when suddenly, just as she turned her back to the fog, a black chain came out of the fog and wrapped tightly around Phobia's leg. Before she could realize what had happened she was suddenly dragged back into the fog. She only gave out a small scream, merely out of instinct...

Then nothing...

Blackout: Something's not right. She should've been back by now.
Dreamcatcher: Oh re-lax, will you? I've heard what that chick's capable of and I'm sure she can handle herself.
NiGHTS: I don't know. Those fogs are giving off a bad vibe, but then if they were any danger something would've probably already happened. I don't know.

Suddenly something came out of nowhere and rammed NiGHTS into a nearby rock. After getting her bearings, NiGHTS looked up to see a hand around her throat. She wouldn't admit it, but she was actually relieved to see it was just her crazy brother, Reala.

NiGHTS: Oh, it's you.
Reala: My my NiGHTS, you're starting to slip. Normally you'd see me coming quicker then that. (Low chuckle)
NiGHTS: *sigh* No offense Reala, but I'm not in the mood to deal with whatever Wiseman's up to this time, 'aight? For all I know you're the one who has been trying to scare everyone with that red mist and music.
Reala: Now what makes you say that, dear sibling? I know nothing of this "red mist" you speak of.
NiGHTS: Reala, please stop calling me your "sibling". Because I'm not, and the whole act is honestly getting old.
Dreamcatcher: So this is that crazy brother you've told me about Nighty? Lol he looks kinda cool.
Blackout: Can we please get this Nightmaren out of our way and get back to the matter at hand?

NiGHTS nodded to Blackout's question, then grabbed Reala's wrist and moved it off her throat. She turned to Reala and crossed her arms.

NiGHTS: Alright Reala, what'd you do?
Reala: Beg pardon brother?
NiGHTS: Don't "beg pardon" me Reala. You kidnapped Phobia so you can fool me into letting you capture me again, didn't you? Right, where is she?
Reala: What are you talking about dear NiGHTS? I know nothing of this "phobia" nor of what you're even talking about😡. I honestly didn't even know you had friends with you until now. Thought I had finally caught you all alone for once.
NiGHTS: You lier. You mean you just happened to show up just after Phobia went to look at that mist over there?
Reala: Yes dear sibling, I did. Now can we please get to the part where I'm supposed to take you by surprise and capture you so I can take you back to Master Wiseman?
Blackout: Something's telling me he's telling the truth NiGHTS. He seems to honestly not know what we're doing here nor of the goings-on around here.
Dreamcatcher: Hang on a sec, how do we know he hasn't killed anybody in their sleep ah? He totally looks the type to-
Reala: A Nightmaren would never actually kill someone in their sleep unless Wiseman says so otherwise. And even so, Wiseman isn't looking to kill no one, for that would rid him of any Ideyas that Visitor has.
NiGHTS: *sigh* Hate to say it, but he does have a point. Wiseman wants a Visitor's Ideyas, not their souls. Killing them would rid him the opportunity to take their Ideya before he could even think to take them.
Reala: At least you still remember what it's like to be with your family NiGHTS.
NiGHTS: Don't you dare call being with that monster Wiseman like being "family". He forces his own creations to serve him with little to no free will! Why can't you see that Reala!?😠
Reala: Don't you dare speak of Master Wiseman in that way, you ungrateful-!
Blackout: Enough! If it's all the same to you two, me and Dreamcatcher will just leave you and look for-

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