Poetry: Luci's Poetry Collection

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Luci's poetry collection by luciferspinkwings

It's all very deep. The pieces form to create an art I feel only you could create. I would love if you had more confidence in your work. It's not even crap they're all amazingly perfect. The imagery is good, the wording is good, everything that makes poetry poetry is good. Of course it was written by a writer of many talents. More pieces like these would be very much appreciated by me. I feel like you could succeed at writing poetry that doesn't necessarily had to rhyme, it just has to flow. The writings you write now are amazing but to me some of the lines are predictable. Mixing up the writings so you add the surprise element could help. I still loved it and it was an amazing book.

4.5 out of 5

PM twinxs21 for any questions

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