Vamp/Werewolf: The Pawprint Mural

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Book: The Pawprint Mural
Writer: slambros1234
Genre: Vamp/Werewolf
Reviewed by non_deficere

The description gives a really nice peak of the plot, I think you presented it well and raised questions which raises the curiosity of your readers.
The book cover is not what I would expect for a werewolf book, I can the see the connection between the title and cover, but Im not sure if stands out among the other werewolf stories, but overall is a good cover (cute too).

The beginning:
I loved how you took time to introduce Chelsea, and starting the way you did on the prologue was also a very excellent way to start this book.

You grammar is good, you also detailed surroundings and partly the aspects of the characters feelings.

Character Development/Plot:
You paced the story nicely and steady, gave me time to get to know the characters and connect with Chelsea.
The plot isn't as edgy as most werewolf's stories, for some reason this felt more like a teen fic merged with werewolf to me. Which isn't bad, is different. Although the whole dream as being part of the story and the way you started made this a very intriguing story, it had potential to go further with more mystery and edge but if this is the way you envision and are comfortable with, it certainly has a tremendous potential too, as it feels like 2 genres merged into one, I just think you definitely have a chance to make this into a great book.

My view as a reader:
You have a cute cover, the description is good too and I already told you that I liked the plot and the way you presented this book. Grammar is also on point and you describe surroundings and body language of the characters extremely well, but at points I was missing the emotional side as well, especially during dialogues, it just makes me auto guess what the characters are truly feeling and sometimes that takes the connection between your readers and your book a few steps back.

I hope this review helped you in some way, please get in touch if you need anything else and all the best💖

I would review this book 3.5/5

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