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I look in the mirror. Everyone's at dinner except for me and Ross. He is in the dormitory, sleeping. I'm in the boys bathroom and can't stop looking at myself. I never thought that I would turn into this horrible person. Someone who kills a guy because of what? Being divergent? For all I know I'm divergent! For now on I will stay away from Eric. He keeps me away from being by the person I want to be. Since I was young I had this picture in my head of who I wanted to be. I've ruined that little kids dreams. I killed someone and that's not something I can take back. For now on I'll be good.
I splash some water into my face and leave the bathroom.

'Hungry?' I hear when I enter the dormitory. It is George. He has a pizza box in his hands.

'Actually, no,' I say. This is the first time I said no to pizza.

'I heard what happened,' George says then. For a moment I think he's talking about me killing off Jacob. 'Tori told me,' he continues. I nod and don't meet his eyes.

'Look, of you're gonna say what I should and shouldn't to, leave. I can figure it out,' I say.

'I wasn't going to, but with you being so grumpy I am gonna leave.'


He leaves and I crawl into my bed underneath Ross. He snores a little.


When I finally have fallen asleep, someone wakes me up by turning on the light. I push myself up in bed and look around the dorm. Ross climbs out of his bed above me. He's only wearing shorts. His upper body has changed into muscle with skin over it.  When I look over at the door I see Eric and Four standing there.

'Put some clothes on and follow us,' Four says. I quickly grab some clothes, dive into the bathroom and change. When I leave the bathroom I step into my shoes and tie my shoelaces quickly. When almost everyone is done we walk as a group to the training room.

Inside the training room there are boxes. On the boxes is the word: "paintballs" painted. Now I see on the table guns laying. The dauntless-born are also here. They all look very excited. I run a hand through my hair to fix it a bit. I look over at Eric who just did the exact same thing as I did. Our eyes meet and we both look away quickly. I scratch my neck. Not because I'm itchy, but because I'm nervous about what just happened.

'Tonight we're going to play war games,' Four says with a small smile. Only the right corner of his mouth goes up. It's cute. 'It's like capture the flag. I'll explain everything in the train. Grab a gun and a box with paintballs.'

Everyone dives at the guns. I calmly walk over to the paintballs and put a box into my box. Eric comes to stand next to me and also grabs a box of paintballs.

'You're gonna be so bad at this thing. You are so bad at shooting people,' Eric says to me. My heart beats incredible fast. He smirks at me. I don't know what to say, so I just leave him to get a gun.


We are on the train and Fours explains how the game works. 'We have two teams. Eric and I are team captains and make the teams. Both teams have a flag which they have to protect. We don't jump out of the train at the same time. This gives us time to hide the flag and think of a strategy. The team who captures the flag of the opposite team wins.'

Ross leans over to me. 'I think that Four and Eric take this way too seriously. They probably do this to fight their own fight.' I grin and nod.

'Eric you can pick first,' Four says.

'Mo,' Eric says. My stomach drops. I can't help but feel disappointed that Eric hasn't chosen me first.

'Kim,' Four says.

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