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I wake up in a bright room. My head is aching. I feel so bad. When I move my head feels like it could burst. I see feet dangling next to my head and Ross gets out of bed.

'Ah Ellis, you are awake too,' he says.

'I'm not sure. Maybe I am dead,' I say.

'Big hangover, huh? I'll go to the drug store to get sone pills. I've had a lot of hangovers lately and I found the best pills. Drink it and half an hour lately you are good to go. '

He disappears and comes back half an hour later with a box of pills and a glass of water. He gives both Tori and me a pill and we drink it. We stay in bed for a while afterwards.


It is already lunch time when we get to the dining hall all dressed. We sit together and eat a sandwich.

'John is the best sex I ever had,' Tori suddenly says. Ross spits out the water he just drank.

'What?' He says.

'It was just so good,' she says.

'He was the only sex you ever had,' I say.

'Yes, but it was so good!' She says dreamy. I see that Ross is about to say something and I notice that Eric is sitting by himself on a laptop a couple tables away from us, so I decide to leave these two alone and talk to Eric.

'Hi,' I say and sit down next to him. He quickly looks up from his screen and then back.

'Can you believe this? I just got an e-mail from abnegation about how they want to build houses for the factionless,' he says. I don't really know how to react, so I just follow his irritation.

'What? That is so weird. They don't deserve that,' I say, however the last sentence comes out a little weird and weak. He turns to me and looks me right in the eye.

'You don't have to think the same way I do,' he says. 'I know you are not like me and I don't expect you to be.'

I nod. He looks at my lips and back into my eyes. Oh my god, does he want to kiss me? I want to kiss him, but of course that can't happen in here.

'Let's go to my office and I'll teach you some more stuff,' he says then. He shuts his computer and we leave together. My heart beats fast.


He makes me sit in his chair and he picks up another chair and puts it next to me. He opens a program on his computer.

'If you are a leader you get a lot of information and all that kind of stuff and you need to keep that ordered. If you don't keep it neat it will all be fucked up and Max will get very angry. Trust me I have been there,' Eric says. I snicker. He turns to look at me for a couple seconds which makes a bit anxious. Then he goes on.

'Look, this file is all about the food. Where we get the goods and were we bring it to. All of it comes from amity, but the cows, for example, are slaughtered in dauntless. This meat is then transferred to the other faction. In this file we keep track of it all and all dauntless leaders have access to this.'

'What kind of things do you all keep track of?' I ask. Names a lot of things, while keeping track by counting them on his fingers. I just stare at him not really paying attention to what he is saying. He is so beautiful? How haven't the others noticed that? They have no problem giggling and pointing out at each other how cute some other guys are. Why not Eric?


It smells great in the dining hall. The chocolate cake fumes make me water up. Ross bumps with his elbow against my arm.

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