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Author's note: I can't believe I made it to chapter 30! I never made it this far with a fanfic. Thank you for reading my story. You have no idea how much that means to me. I have still have a whole story line out for this fanfic, so keep reading😁

I slept very bad. It is now six in the morning and I just got my drains taken out. I heard that for some people it really hurts and for others not at all. For me it didn't hurt, but the feeling wasn't pleasant. Later this morning I can go home. In a week time I habe to come back to take the bandages off. I also have to wear a binder to keep everything thight and I think it is also to put the swelling down.

A nurse comes in. I haven't seen him before.

'Hello,' he says.

'Good morning,' I say.

'I am Matthew and I came here to ask you something.'


'I spoke with Four.'

'What are you talking about.'

'This has nothing to do with your surgery or anything like that.'


'Four told me that he suspects that you are divergent.' He says it like it is normal and like no one can hear him, even though his voice is this loud.

'What? That is nonsense,' I say quickly.

'Don't worry. I am too. I am from an organisation that only has divergents in it. We are trying to show the rest of the people that we aren't monsters.'


'And I want to ask you if you want to join us.'

'That is...'

'Big, I know. Here is my phone number.' He hands me a card with his phone number. 'Call me when you have decided.'

And just like that he disappears. I put the card in the pocket of my jacket that is on the chair next to my bed. The door opens and the nurse that I know comes in followed by Eric.

'He's going to help you put your clothes on and then you can go home. After a week you have to come back and we'll take the bandages off. That is also the time when you'll see your chest. The binder that you are wearing now is to keep the swelling down. You'll have to wear it for six weeks and can only take it off for one hour a day after the bandages are taken off. This first week you can't take it off, which means that you can't shower. Also don't try to move your arms too much, because it could stretch your scars,' the nurse rambles. I nod along. I notice that Eric is writing it all down in the notes of his phone. My stomach flutters.

'You can get dressed and then you can go back home,' the nurse says and leaves. I slowly get out of bed. The binder makes me hunch.

'You look like a troll,' Eric says laughing.

'Shut up,' I say. 'This binder is way tighter than the binders I used to wear.'

He gets a button down out of my bag and helps me to put it on. He even buttons it. I can put my pants on myself. He grabs all my stuff, offers me a hand and together we leave the hospital. There is a car ready for us. He helps me get in the passenger seat.

'You can drive?' I ask.

'What do you think I did in my time in erudite,' he says.

'Wait... you're from erudite?' I say. He stops what he's doing.

'Yeah, I thought you knew that,' he says slowly.

'Maybe I forgot,' I say. But if I knew that I wouldn't forget, or do I? I don't know anymore. Eric steps in behind the wheel and we drive away.

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