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I have been collecting apples for a whole day now. I am so tired and can't wait to hop into the shower. The people around me are all also a sweaty mess like me. I bring the last basket of apples to the carriage and throw the apples in. A tall woman with brown hair takes the carriage away and me and the rest of the workers head home. On my way to my room I bump into Eric, who's also on his way back to our room.

'How was your day?' I ask. He is just as sweaty as I am.

'Fuck it's hot,' he says.

'Yup, lets get a shower.'

We get clean clothes and towels from our room and go to the bathroom hall. We are the only ones there and I get into one of the cubicles. Eric follows me in.

'What are you doing?' I say. He ignores my question and the door closes behind him. He takes my stuff and puts it on a bench with his own clothes. He undresses completely and  turns the shower on. After I have gathered my thoughts I undress too and push him aside to get under the hot water too. He gets the soap and starts rubbing it over my body. He kisses me on my neck. I let my fingers run over his wet chest. He hands me the soap and I start to rub it over his back, arms, chest, legs. When I habe put the soap away he grabs my hips and pulls me against him. He is hard and I try not to look at it. We make out. His fingers run over my butt. I pull his face closer. My lips find his neck and my fingers fold over his shaft. He moans when I start to pull him off.

'We are going to be late for dinner,' he whispers in my ear.

'You want to stop?' I ask him, teasing.

'I want you to show me what you have learned with that Matt guy,' he says and my heart starts to beat faster.

'The only thing that I learned was that I like you too much to fuck anyone else,' I say.

'And you learned to talk smoother,' he says. 'Can I teach you some stuff then?'

'OK,' I say with a small smile. A mischievous smile. 'Does that mean we are going to skip dinner?'

'Sure,' he says. 'I still have a backpack with sandwiches in our apartment. Lets get to our room.'

We turn the shower off, dry ourselves and get dressed. I feel nice and warm. We leave the bathroom. It is still empty, probably because everyone is at dinner. I look through the windows in the hallways. It is still light outside. In the winter it would already have been dark for hours. Eric opens the door to our small room and we enter. He closes it and immidiatly grabs me to kiss me. I laugh while I wrap my arms around him. We are fully dressed again and both smell really good.

'What are you going to teach me?' I ask. He only grins at me, but then he sits down on the bed and holds me tightly with his hands. He pulls me down, so I sit on my knees in between his legs.

'Lets do it once where I tell you what to do,' he says with a smirk. I feel a bit worried about that. 'Don't worry, you can tell me when you don't like it and we'll stop. I just wanna try it.' I start grinning.

The undressing is one of my favorite parts. And then our naked bodies rub against each other. Skin against skin. Lips against lip.

We have been a bit too loud, but ot was great. I've never felt like that. I have never trusted him more.

He grins and lays down on top of me after our great session. Someone suddenly knocks on our door. We ignore it. I enjoy his face that burries in my neck and my back that presses hard in the mattress because of Eric's weight. The door opens.

'I'm sorry to interrupt, but my husband tries to get some sleep in the next room and you guys are too loud,' a woman says. I look her with big ashamed eyes. It is silent. She stares at me back full of regret of walking in here.

'Who is it?' Eric asks.

'My... mom,' I say.

'Oh fuck,' he says slowly.

'I'm sorry, I should have waited for you guys to open the door,' my mom says quickly. She has no idea where to look. Eric gets off of me and pulls the blankets more up, because even though we were covered we both feel pretty naked.

'Why can't amity just put locks on doors?' Eric barks loudly and looks at me.

'Don't tell dad it was me. That it was us,' I say to my mom.

'I should just lie?'

'Yes, please. I... dad is really difficult with this kind of stuff and he is going to freak out even more if he found out it was us.'

'As if I'm not freaking out?' Mom says. 'My child... I heard my child having sex with... with... with a guy...'

'A guy like Eric? I don't think it matters who I was sleeping with. Eric or not, I'm your kid and parents hearing their kid having sex is very disturbing,' I say. My mom stays silent for a while.

'I'm gonna go,' she says after a while. The door closes behind her.

I slam my head on the pillow.

'Fuck,' I say softly. 'Why does this always have to happen? Did you know they were here?'

'Of course not! I wouldn't have initiated you being louder, would I?' Eric whispers. 'Lets just get back to sleep.' I nod. We crawl together.


I wake up early the next morning. Eric and I forgot all about the sandwiches last night and now I'm scramble around the room trying to find his back pack. I trip over something and hit the ground hard.

'What the fuck are you doing?' Eric grunts and sits up in bed.

'Looking for the bag with food,' I say while still feeling around with my arms stretched out.

'Just turn on the fucking light,' he says. I shuffle to the door and flick the light switch. I have to squeeze my eyes shut for a moment before I can see properly. When I have opened my eyes I see that Eric has already grabbed the back pack and he gets out two sandwiches. He throws one at me.

'Thanks,' I murmer while I'm ripping open the plastic packaging. I take a big bite. Both our sandwiches are gone in seconds and we start to get dressed. I'm wearing brown trousers that show a lot of ankle and a sweater Eric was wearing yesterday before he got into his work clothes. He puts on another red sweater, because yellow makes him look as white as milk. I wet my hair in the sink to stop it from standing up straight. Eric does excactly the same thing after me. With our wet hair wet sit back on the bed.

'And now?' He says. 'I actually could have slept for another hour and a half. It is still dark outside.'

'I thought we could do something fun,' I say, but now I think about it, there isn't much we can do in this room.

'There is nothing to do here,' he says.

I look around in the room and find an old box of playing cards in the back of the closet.

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