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Eric and I go to the big hall for breakfast. I'm scared to bump into my parents, so I stay low. However, I'm with Eric and he is quite a head turner. He is taller than most people in amity and definitely broader. I scan the room for my parents and luckily I don't see them. Eric and I sit down and we both begin to pour in cereal and milk. My eyes keep shooting up to see if I see them somewhere.

'Don't be so nervous,' Eric says slowly and takes a bite from his cereal.

'Shut up,' I snap. 'You have no idea what this is like. Your parents aren't here aren't they. Wait... why have I never seen your parents?'

'They are in erudite,' he says calmly without looking up. Then I see them. They calmly walk in, smiling at the others. My mom seems to like it here. My dad on the other hand... his smile is obviously fake.

'Eric,' I hear from my right. Eric and I both look up. It's Johanna. 'Can I see you for a moment?' I look at Eric and he nods at her. What is this about? I want to know too! Eric ruffles my hair and then follows Johanna out of the door. As soon as Eric has left me, my parents join me.

'Ellis! How are you?' My dad says and we hug. It is an uncomfortable hug.

'Fine,' I murmer. 'How did you two end up here?'

'The war started and everyone in erudite was looking for a place to stay safe,' my mom says. Of course they would. They are too scared to fight for their own believes. 'Your dad and I thought about going here and we came in contact with Johanna.'

I nod. 'Where is Lily?' I ask.

'Still on her way. She is with another group, because we weren't together at that moment. We think she is fine.
What happened to you?' My dad asks. 'How did you get here?'

'I...,' I begin and then tell the whole story about me being divergent and wanting to change the minds of everyone that divergents aren't bad and how I ended up in this rebellious group. I tell them about the start of the war and how I was knocked out and how Eric brought me here.

'So you and Eric are here? Together?' My dad asks and I nod. 'How? How exactly are you two together?' I roll my eyes and my dad frowns at me for doing so.

'We are together like two people who really like each other,' I say. My mom is awfully quiet.

'You like Eric?' My dad asks a bit too loud. But talking loudly isn't something odd for the people here in amity.

'Well... yeah,' I say. 'Is that odd?'

'He is... he isn't really that nice, is he?'

'He is nice to me,' I snap. 'He has been one of the nicest people I met since I left erudite. Also, nice isn't always the goal, is it?'

'No of course not. I just want him to treat my child like... well I just don't want him to hurt you.'

'I get that. Please don't make a big deal out of it. Especially not in front of Eric,' I beg. He looks at my mom who isn't looking at us, but definitely listening.

'What is with you?' Dad asks mom. My mom looks up.

'Dozed off a bit,' she lies, but he ignores it.


The sun has burned my neck and my eyes feel heavy. I've been working all day. Everyone is so nice and tries to make as much fun during work, so time goes by fast. At the end of the day I'm sitting alone in the big hall for dinner. I haven't seen Eric since this morning and I keep wondering where he is.

I hear people screaming out of no where. I get out of my chair and run outside just like every other curious person. I see two people in black coming closer, but they don't seem to be here for war. I notice Eric in completely black clothes. Even his piercings are back. He is carrying something with the second person. When they come closer I can see that they are carrying a tird person. A man. A screaming man. I run towards them, but a woman keeps me away. I push her away from me and get over there. Now I'm staning next to them I notice that the other person who carries the body is Trina and the screaming man is George. Tears well up in my eyes.

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