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The next couple days aren't special. I've gone back to work and that's it. Every morning Eric and I eat breakfast at home and the go to work. I have lunch with Lex, my colleague, and after work I have dinner with Ross and Tori. Afterwards I wait for Eric to come home and we go to bed. The only thing that is different than before is that when I walk through the corridors people nod at me, because they are part of the divergent rebels and they know that I am too. They only nod at me when I'm alone though, which is good of course. I constantly think about last weekend and it feels weird to live a double life like this. Of course I kind of had a double life before because of Eric, but this is completely different. This is dangerous. This can have me killed.


It is Saturday again and Four, Tris and I enter the building. Matthew greets me with a hug.

'Good to see you again,' he says. 'I'm giving a speech again, so I see you later, OK?'

'Later,' I say. He climbs on top of a table.

'Good morning divergents!' he says and everyone cheers. 'Today we'll start with the real work. Today we'll start planning the riot. We need to tell the faction leaders that we are here and John had this great idea. Why not start a riot? We are planning on destroying the bowls where the sixteen year-olds let their blood drip into to choose a faction. We have a lot of planning to do, so gather around.'

We make a big circle with Matthew in the middle. 'This is not going to work without a couple leaders. Lets choose a couple leaders and they will all be the leader of a smaller group. I'll first devide you guys, so...' He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. 'This part of the circle is my group. Make more groups that are about this big and choose a leader.'

I sit down on the table that Matthew uses as a stage. Why does Matthew keep me so close all the time? A girl with long curly hair stands next to me. She's from amity and wears a yellow sundress. She seems so out of place in this edgy building. We don't speak to each other. She just smiles at me and I smile back.


The next couple weeks go by fast. Every week there is a meeting and sometimes even more than once a week. We are getting closer and closer to the riot and I'm getting more nervous each day. I don't see Eric much. Actually I only see him in the morning and evening.


Matthew points at a place on the map. I look at it over his shoulder. Our group is starimg at the map.

'This is when we get closer to the dauntless compound,' he says.

'W-why would we go there?' I ask. I'm confused, because I never heard of this plan before. Matthew turns around to look at me.

'How else would we get to the dauntless leaders?' He asks with raised eyebrows.

'What... what would you want to do with them?' I ask getting more nervous each second. My palms are dripping from sweat and my knees are shaking like there is an earthquake.

'Kill them of course,' he says simply.

'W-what?' I say. My whole body is shaking now. 'That wasn't the plan.' My eyes can't focus. I feel like I'm falling down. Matthews hands land on my upper arms to keep me from falling. I shake him off.

'They kill us, we kill them,' he says.

'I can't,' I say. I can't focus. Everything is blurry. Everything is spinning. 'I can't go on anymore.' Four is coming over to us.

'What do you mean? You can't stop now. You know too much,' Matthew says.

'What's going on?' Four asks.

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