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I see a large (very large) group of people come towards us. Most of them are in black clothes. When the are a little bit closer I can see Eric in the second row. He is holding a gun. My heart is beating fast. Tears are trying to get out.

When the group is about 10 metres away from us. They stop. Jeanine, Max and Jack Kang are in the front. I don't see anyone from abnegation or amity. Eric stares at me and I stare back. He looks emotionless. He features aren't moving. He just stares. I try to do the same, but it is hard. Matthew gives me a quick glance. Erics eyes spit fire at Matthew.

'Isn't that your partner?' I hear Emma say. 'Well that is fun. I've never seen such a big back stabber.'

'Emma, please,' Max says. 'What do you want from us?'

'We want reasoning,' Matthew says. I can't focus on them. My eyes are on Eric, who is purposely ignoring me. My stomach hurts, my hands tremble and sweat is breaking out everywhere. Emma takes a step closer to Eric and holds onto his arm with a big grin at me. Eric doesn't push her away. His eyes are fixed on Matthew.

'What do you want from us?' Jeanine asks.

'We want rights. We divergents don't want to fear our lives anymore. We have lost too many of us.'

'And you want to achieve that by trying to reason with us? Divergents are a danger to the system. The system that keeps the peace.'

'Have you ever actually thought about that? I bet you don't, because what would happen if we would live with each other? Nothing. Everything would be peaceful. No one would be killed by the government, because no one would care. The system is actually a danger to the people,' Matthew says. He sounds angry.

'Have you any idea what you are doing? You are putting these mad ideas of yours into the heads of young, innocent people,' Jeanine says while looking at me. 'Look at Ellis. They are only 17 years old and you are already manipulating them.'

'You are the ones to manipulate others,' I say. 'I thought that there was something wrong with me! There is nothing wrong with me.' Matthew gives me a smile. I can't smile back. Then I see someone from the other group write something down. Are they noting out names down?

'See what you have done, Matthew? Look what kind of things Ellis is saying now. They are making no sense,' Jeanine says. Matthew shakes his head.

'I have a second option,' he says. I look up at him, curious, because I never heard of a second option. 'Let us live here and create our own society.'

Max starts laughing. 'You can't do anything without the factions. Food is very important, did you know that?' Max says mocking. Matthew turns red.

'All I'm saying is that if you leave now, you won't he bothered by us anymore.'

'You mean, you'll live a life as a factionless?' Jeanine says with raised eyebrows.

'Not exactly. Just that you won't he bothered by us divergents anymore.'

The group watches us carefully. They don't see any weapons on us, so we don't look like a threat. Emma is still holding on to Eric.

The three main factionleaders move closer together and start whispering about something. They back away from each other after a long minute and for a second I think they are going to shoot us. However, they don't. They back away and leave. We jus stand there in silence.

'I don't trust this,' Matthew says when the others are gone and we walk back to the building. I don't say anything. It feels like I'll cry if I open my mouth.


I have changes out of my dungarees and have switched to black sweatpants. The sweatshirt and shoes I keep on. I am now going upstairs in the building. The higher I get the more destroyed everything is. There is one floor above me now and I stop climbing. I move to the side and there is a piece of concrete sticking out from the building, which probably used to be a balcony. I sit down on it. I hate hights, but right now I don't care. I don't care about anything than Eric. I fucking betrayed him. I don't deserve anything.

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