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It feels weird to sit here between my family and Eric's thigh pressed up against mine when everyone is wearing clothing from amity. Eric and I both wear a button down. He wears red and I yellow. My parents have also dressed up for their son's wedding. There he stands. My brother. Dressed in the most informal suit I've ever seen. I know that he feels uncomfortable in those clothes. He is so used to the tighter black clothes that he keeps running a hand over his chest. Trina is standing opposite him with the biggest smile I've ever seen. She wears a white dress. They kiss. They are married.

The dancing starts. Eric and I both don't enjoy dancing so we sit aside. He can't drink, because it can affect the healing. He hates it. Surrounded by "hippies" and unable to drink. He hates it. I sip on my soda. I look at the "dance floor"(an empty space in the field) and watch my parents dance. My mom looks happy, but there is a sadness in my dad's smile. I look over and see George and Trina pressed up against each other. Next to them Are Ross and Tori. Ross doesn't look weird in the yellow clothes, but Tori does. I'm used to the black. Lily dances with three other girls. It seems like more and more people from amity join the party. No one cares. A lot of them are drunk.

'Come here,' Eric says. I stare at him for a second, but get up eventually and walk around the small table that was in between us. He spreads he legs and pulls me down, so I sit in between his legs. 'Remember when I let you sit like this when I taught you how to work with those computers?' I smile and lean back against the not wounded side of his chest.

'Of course I remember,' I say. I lean with my head on his shoulder and his chin against the side of my head. We watch how everyone dances. I enjoy every minute of it, because I'm pressed up against the person I love. I play with his fingers and I feel his smirk against my cheek.


Eric and I left early. We stayed for a couple hours past dinner, but left when it got dark. I can still hear them and I'm already in bed. I just put a cream like substance on Eric's wounds. We fooled around a bit without moving too much and now Eric is fast asleep next to me.


I wake up by a banging on the door. Eric tries to get up, but is in too much pain. I get up quickly and open the door. It's Johanna.

'They are coming, you have to go,' she says. I see my parents getting out of their room and leaving the building. I run towards Eric and help him get up. I grab some clothes and we run in our underwear over the grounds. Johanna leads us to the back. The sun is coming up. With our clothes in our arms we run after her. She stops and opens an hidden door on the ground. I let Eric get in first and climb in after him. The door closes above me. It is dark. We have to climb down a bit. Eric groans from the pain. We reach the bottom and a light turns on. My family and friends are all here plus some other people who ran away. And here we stand in our underwear. Lily pokes Tori with her elbow and they both eye Eric. I take Eric's hand and we walk over to the corner and get dressed.

'What now?' Trina asks.

'We have to devide rooms. It is pretty big actually. Amity did a great job,' George says. I look around and notice now the pillows in the main room that are thrown around. I see a hallway lead to somewhere and walk over there to look.

'I think that every room has about four people,' I say. We decide that Ross and Tori join Eric and me. In the rooms are a couple sleeping bags more than neccicary. Tori decides to make beds out of the bags, so it is more comfortable.

'How long do you think we have to stay here?' I ask Ross.

'I dunno... maybe two to three days,' he says. Ross and I sit down in the main room in the corner.
'How are you?' He asks. I look at him.

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