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I wake up to find an empty spot next to me. I get up and look at Ross and Tori laying on top of each other.

I walk over to the main room.

'What are you doing?' I whisper. I look at Eric in the corner with a flashlight and a notebook.

'Making a plan,' he says.

'So you're healed?'

'Almost. I just kept thinking about it, but making a plan is way harder than I though. We don't have weapons here you see.'

'That could be a problem, yeah,' I say and sit down next to him. I look at the notebook. He hasn't written down anything. 'I wish we could get in contact with the outside world.' I lean with my head against his shoulder  and he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

'Maybe I should just get out there,' he says.

'No, they know what you look like. It will be way easier to get you. I should go. They probably forgot how look.'

'Honey, they have pictures of you all over the city. Everyone knows your handsome face.'

I grin and kiss him.

'What are you guys doing? It is midnight,' I hear. Eric and I both look up to see my mom standing in the hall where the rooms are.

'Making a plan,' I say.

'What for?'

'Freedom,' I say. She stares at us for a couple seconds and then turns around without saying anything and leaves us alone.

'I just want to be alone with you,' Eric whispers in my ear.

'Me too,' I say and close my eyes. 'I never should have joined the rebels.'

'You wanted justice. This isn't your fault.'

'It feels like it thought. If I didn't do anything we would still be in dauntless.'

'Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn't really matter.'


Eric and I fell asleep in that same spot and woke up from everyone else sitting down around us.

'I hate this,' Eric murmurs. I chuckle.

I get up and stretch my back. Eric gets up too.

'I hear a knock,' George says.

'What?' I ask.

'Someone knocks on the door. We should see who that is,' my brother says.

'Let me go,' Eric says. 'What if they are here to kill us?'

'That is why I should go. They don't know who I am,' Trina says. George protests, but she ignores it. We follow he to the stairs, but let her go alone when he climbs up. My heart beats in my throat. Eric clenches his jaw and his hand squeezes mine.

She pushes the door open. Sweat drips down my temple.

'Hi,' she says cheerful. I can't see who she is talking to and I can't hear what they are talking about.
'Guys you can come out,' she tells to us. 'The bad guys left!'

'I don't trust this,' I whisper into Eric's ear.

'Me neither,' he says softly. He has this weary look in his eyes like he could punch anyone right at this moment. Everyone climbs up happily. Eric goes first and then I go.

I see sunlight. Before I can push myself out I'm grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled up. My arms are roughly hold behind my back.

'It was a trap,' I schreek. I look over my shoulder. A big dauntless guy who's face I vaguely recognise holds me. Next to me Eric is being pinned down by Four people.

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