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Author's note: yes, this is a Christian song. No, I am not Christian, I just love this song.

Tori holds a stack of clothes in her arm, which I tried on. I am now putting on the ones she liked the most (she saved them for last, so she could make this trip take even longer). It is a simple black button up shirt with long sleeves, dress pants that show ankle and black dress shoes. I get out of the stall.

'I love that, but you are really bad at putting clothes on,' she says.

'Wha-what did I do wrong?' I stutter.

'You have to tuck your shirt in.' She comes over to me and tucks the shirt in and makes sure it is perfect. 'See? Much better.'

I turn around and look in the mirror. I actually like it. Tori grabbed a belt and is now putting it on me.

'Even better,' she says and she looks so happy.

I pay for it and then we head to the hair salon where she works.

'Sit,' she says and i do as she says so. She swings this cape thing over me to keep the hairs of my clothes. Tori begins with tying all the hair on top of my head, so she can trim the sides.


I feel fresh and keep running a hand through my short and soft hair. I am pretty nervous for tomorrow. Maybe my dad will be there. I am pretty sure he will actually.

Tori and I make Mac & Cheese at home and eat it here. It is nice hanging out with just her. I don't know why, but she just shows a bit more love than Ross. Ross changed when entering dauntless and I guess I did too.


I wake up by my phone alarm. Eric e-mailed me the details and we had to leave early, because he has a meeting there before the dinner. Also the dinner ends pretty late, so we have to sleep there. I have to share a room with a stranger.

I get dressed and Tori helps me do my hair. She put product in to make it more curly, so it isn't this weak half curl. When I am done she gives me a kiss on my cheek.

'Good luck and have fun,' she says. I smile at her.

'Thanks,' I say. My voice trembles a bit. I am nervous and she doesn't even know I am going with Eric.
I put on a jacket and leave to head to Eric.


I knock on his door. My heart beats like crazy. He opens the door and his eyes immidiatly look me up and down. He smirks. He isn't ready yet.

'Hi,' I say.

'Hi,' he says in a weird voice to "immitate" mine. I roll my eyes. 'Come in.'

I follow him in and he closes the door behind him. He was halfway of getting ready. He already has slim dress pants on and a thank top. He is on socks. I sit down on the couch. His shirt hangs on his dinner chair. He walks towards it, takes his shirt off and changes into the black button up shirt. He turns to me and slowly buttons it up. I try not to look at him, but I know that his eyes are on me. When he is done with his shirt he goes into the bathroom. A second later he comes back with his hair slightly less messy and smelling like heaven. He reaches out for me.

'Lets go,' he says and I let my hand slip into his. He pulls me up and we leave. When we are outside he lets go of my hand. Together we walk to the train tracks.

When we arrive there are more people already and I spot Alex. My heart beats fast. Eric and I stand so close together that our arms touch when we move. I give Alex a small smile and he gives me one back.

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