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The next couple weeks go by faster. Eric works until night time, so I spend most of my time with Ross and Tori, who I still haven't told about Eric. However, I think they kind of know. Every night I leave to go to Eric. I also think Ross might have told them what happened. I've gone back to work and everything is kind of fine. My relationship with George isn't great right now and I hate it. Also I have been thinking about the Matthew guy and I might even give him a call. I wanted to wait until I could move properly again, which is kind of right now. It has been seven weeks since my surgery and I don't have to bind anymore. I massage my scars every night with oil and I can do everything again.

I'm heading back to Eric's apartment from work. He send me a message that he won't make it for dinner, so I know I'm home alone. I open the front door with the key and enter. As soon as I close the door I get my phone out. I'm still in my work clothes. I get the card with the phone number from my other pair of pants and dile in the number.

'Matthew,' I hear him say.

'Hi, it's Ellis,' I say nervously.

'Ellis! Hi, you've decided?'

'Yes... I- I want to join you guys.'

'That's great! And you've called at the right time. This saturday, so tomorrow, we have a meeting. I can give Four a call and tell him to take you.'

My heart starts pounding. I'll have to lie to Eric.

'Okay,' I squeak.

'Great, see you tomorrow.'

'See you tomorrow,' I murmer. I hang up.

What am I going to tell Eric? He knows everyone I hang out with. I might have a plan, but is a stupid plan.


I hear the front door open and close, keys are being dropped on the kitchen counter and footsteps come closer to the bedroom. The door opens and Eric looks at me. I'm topless and in just my boxers. He grins.

'Waiting for me?' He says with the biggest smirk.

'No,' I say and smile at him. 'I was reading.' I point at the open book next to me.

'In just that?' He points at my underwear. I nod. He steps closer to me, kicks his shoes off and climbs on top off me. He sits right on my hips. The stiff material of his pants feels rough against my skin. I look up at him while he takes his jacket off. I sit up straight and kiss his neck. He nibbles on my ear and then our lips find each other. I push him softly away and gets off of me.

'I met someone today,' I say.

'What do you mean?'

'I made a new friend. We're hanging out together tomorrow,' I lie.

'Really? And do I know the person?'


'Can I meet them?'

'Not yet,' I say. 'I want to get to know them first.'

He raises his eyebrows.


I wake up the next morning from a ping noise my phone made. I push myself up and unlock my phone.

Meet me at 11 in the pit -Four

I stare at the clock. It is nine right now. I look over at Eric. He's on his stomach and his mouth is slightly open. I get out of bed, get undressed and jump under the shower. Not much later I hear the door of the bathroom open.

'Good morning,' Eric says.

'Good morning.'

I hear him pee and then the flush of the toilet. I turn the shower off.

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