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Tori, Ross and I go out, because Ross wants another tattoo. Tori and I drink coffee and watch Ross almost cry when the needle is on his ribs. When the owl on his ribs is done, we leave.

'Tomorrow starts part two of initiation. We need to have a good night sleep, because no one knows what it is,' Tori says. Ross and I agree.


We are sitting in a small room with white walls and floor. Every initiate is here, so also the dauntless born ones. Every now and then someone goes through the only door that is in here beside of the entry. Some come out ten minutes after they get in and others it takes half an hour.

'Ellis,' Four calls.

I push myself up and follow Four through the door. He closes the door behind me. There is a chair in the middle of the small room. It looks similar to the chair at the dentist. There is also a computer and a screen.
'Sit,' Four says and grabs a box. 'Are you afraid of needles?' He asks. I nod.
My palms start sweating. Fuck. I never even thought this could involve a needle.

'I am going to inject this serum into your neck. It will make you experience something that will look more real then a dream,' he explains. Then he points at me. 'Your task is to get out of the simulation by calming down.'

'It is going to be scary?' I ask.

'You are in dauntless. Everything is about overcoming your fears.'

'Will I see something that is my fear?'

'It doesn't have to be. Your brain makes something up. It might turn into your fear afterwards. In part three of training you will have to go through something similar as this, however you will have to overcome your biggest fears with the dauntless leaders watching.'

My mind immediately goes to Eric. He can't see what I am afraid of.

'You ready?' He asks and nod. I am breathing heavily while the needle comes closer to my neck. I feel tears welling up. The needle goes into my neck. It hurts so bad, I want to scream. I get light headed and then I am in a field.

There is nothing my eye can reach besides grass. Suddenly I hear a bark behind me. I turn around. There is a big brownish dog growling at me. I start to panic. I have never liked dogs. Don't get me wrong, they are cute and all, but I just don't like them to be in the same place as me. The dog steps closer and I slowly step back. As soon as my foot hits the ground the dog runs towards me. I don't move. This dog isn't fucking real. It won't hurt me. It jumps up and it's nails dig into my skin. I scream. OK! It may be able to hurt me. I need something. A weapon. The dog bites my arm. It is hard to think with this pain. Suddenly I feel something in my hand. I look and I see my bloody arm first. Then I see that in my hand there is a dagger. I stab the dog in the stomach and twist the blade. Blood drips down my arm and I feel sick.

I wake up in the dentist chair. Four stares at me. I am breathing heavily.

'What?' I ask.

'Did you know that the sim wasn't real when it was happening?' He asks.

'I knew that it was fake?' I say questioning. 'Wasn't I supposed to?'

'No, are you divergent?'

'No,' I say.


'Well actually I don't know. My dad told me what to do at the aptitude test,' I say slowly, knowing that this is going the wrong way. I've said to much.

'Ellis, you know what happens to divergents here, don't you?'

I nod. Four continues: 'So don't tell anyone that this happened. I will delete this and make it look like an accident. Your time is six minutes, by the way.'

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