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Author's note: I never thought I would come to chapter 40! Thank you all for reading!

I wake up beside a warm Eric. It is cold in the room so I press myself closer to him, which wakes him up.

'Good morning,' he says and looks down at me.

'Hi,' I say with a small smile. I look at the time. It is still really early. In dauntless they would still call this night, but the people in amity get up very early, because of the animals. I hear a rooster far away from us.



'Why were you in dauntless clothes?'

He sighs. 'I had to do something.'

'What was that?'

'They called me missing and a traitor. Johanna told me.'


'Well, I went back and told them that I was still looking for divergents.'

'Wouldn't it be better if they thought you were dead?'

'Then I would lose my job,' he says with raised eyebrows.

'I know you worked hard for that job, but does it still matter?'

'Of course it does.'

'But what if-'

'Don't worry about it. You don't have to worry about anything,' he says and wraps his body around me. He kisses me. I still loose all my thoughts when he kisses me. He takes his shirt off and mine follows shortly afterwards. My boxer briefs follow closely. I feel him press against me.

This time we are quiet. We don't want my parents hearing us again.


'How are you feeling, George?' I ask when standing next to his bed. I can't see his leg, because of the blanket. Trina stands on the other side of the bed and holds his hand.

'Fine, these people gave me a funny pill. I'm numb from the waist down. It is an old pill from amity that was supposed to be a pain killer. Well I don't feel any pain, so mission accomplished.'

I laugh. My parents get in. I ignore them, because of how my mother acted yesterday towards Eric. I squeeze George's hand and then leave. I don't want to be with my family in one room right now. I don't know if I can handle that.


It has been another day of hard work in the sun. I'm in the big hall for dinner and can't wait to finish and take a shower. My parents aren't here and I'm sure Trina is still with George. I can't help but wonder when Lily, my sister, will arrive. I'm worried that something has happened to her. I also wonder where Eric is at the moment. I haven't seen him for lunch and now he isn't here for dinner. Is he back im dauntless. I hope not. I know it is none of my business to know all the time where he is, but with big things like this I would really like to know.

I finish dinner and get to my room. To my surprise Eric isn't here either. I start to get worried, but brush it off. I get clean clothes that have just been washed and leave the room for a shower.

When I get back Eric still isn't here. I leave the room and decide to look around over the grounds. The sun is setting and there is an orange glow over the lands. I see my mom and dad walking far away from me, holding hands. They kiss. They love each other. They know what love is and still they don't want me to feel it. When I'm alone with them they act alk sweet, but when I'm with Eric they keep... being mean to him.

I bump into Johanna when I walk around a wooden building.

'Oh hi Ellis,' she says kindly.

'Hi, uhh... have you seen Eric?' I ask.

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