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This month goes by slowly. I have so much work to do and I keep hesitating if I should continue with the leadership program. After a full day of training I head to Eric's office to talk to him about it.

'Eric,' I say slowly. He makes a noise for me to continue. 'I think I wanna quit the leadership program.'

'Why?' He asks and looks up from his screen and leans back. His face is serious.

'It is a lot of work and I don't think I'll be able to handle the work.'

'What do you want to do then?'

'I thought I could do something below you or below someone.'

'There is a job where you have to control everything that is happening in dauntless and when something is up you'll have to send it to me. They still need a couple people. Is that something you might like?'

'Sure,' I say.

'It is right below me, so you have a higher status than most of dauntless.'

'I don't really care about status anymore,' I say. He grins.

'Then why are you dating me?'

I laugh. He really just said that we are dating! Wow.

'Does me having a different job mean that we can tell people we are together?' I ask him. He nods and I smile at him. I get out of the chair and walk over to him and sit on his lap. I slowly kiss him. Just when I sink into him someone knocks on the door. I immediatly get off of him and sit back on the chair opposite him.

'Come on,' Eric says.

Max enters.

'I have the rapport you asked about,' Max says.

'Thank you,' Eric says. 'Now you are here, Ellis has some news.'

'Really? What is it?'

'Uhh I want to wuit the leadership program,' I say nervously.


'It is too much for me.'

'I thought they could work in Emma's department,' Eric says. Emma? I will be Emma's colleague. Fuck, I'm not happy about that.

'Yeah, sounds good. Eric give her a call and Ellis can probably even start tomorrow,' Max says.

'Ellis does have surgery in a couple weeks.'

'I know, but we can arrange that.'

Max leaves and I give Eric a broad smile.

'I'm officially done with the program!' I say happily. He laughs.

'Lets go home and have dinner,' he says while packing up.


Eric and I just ate and now sit on the couch with a blanket thrown over us. I love how his appartment looks like a space where we both live. Almost all my stuff is here and I sleep here every night.

Eric's eyes are closed, but he is not sleeping. I snuggle closer to him. One of his eyes open.

'Kiss me,' he whispers. I lean in and softly press my lips on his. The phone rings and Eric sighs. He picks it up.

'Hi Eric,' I hear a voice say.

'Good evening, Emma,' he says bored. My stomach stings when I hear him say her name.

'I heard from Max that Ellis is quitting the leadership program and wants to work in my department.'

'That's right.'

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