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I go to the biggest clothing shop they have here in dauntless and wander around for a while. I find some shirts and new jeans which I try on. When I am in one of the stalls and I take my pants off, the note Eric gave me falls from my pocket. I stare at the words and without even thinking I buy the clothes and immediatly go to the tattoo parlor. A big guy with even his scalp tattooed comes over.

'Hey little one,' he says with a deep voice. He has such a large moustache that I only see that moving and not his lips.

'Hi,' I want to get a tattoo.

'That is obvious. Do you already know what you want?'

I nod and take the note out of my pocket again.

'I want this,' I say and point at "I'll be right here."
'And I want it is the same handwriting.'

'Very romantic,' he says a bit dull. 'Sit down.'

I take a seat and he gets ready. I hate needles.

'Where do you want it?'

'On my ribs,' I say. I love that spot for this line, but I know that it is going to hurt a shit load.

'So so so... little one is strong.'

I pull my shirt up to expose my skin and I even have to pulk my binder up a little. He is filling the machine thing needle thing with ink.

'Okay, here we go,' he says and I feel the needle stab me. I want to scream, but that would be awkward, so I grit my teeth and make soft moaning sounds. It feels like it takes forever to finish, but when it is finally done I feel good about myself. I know that my dad would call this stupid, because what if Eric and I don't work out. However, I don't care. I love Eric. I really think I do. I don't know how, because we don't know each other for that long. But I know that I feel safe, good and at home around him. I want him to be happy and I would do anything to make him happy. I would do anything to safe him from something. I would do anything for him. I want to be with him until I die and the weird and stupid thing about this is, is that I don't really know him that well. I think that I know him better than anyone else in dauntless, but I still feel like that isn't enough.

I go back to my own appartment. Ross sits behind the table and eats a sandwich while playing video games on his computer.

'Hey,' I say.

'Hi,' he says without looking up. He is completely absorbed by the game.

I sit down on my bed and kick my shoes off. Just when I am settled with a cheesy magazine of Tori, someone knocks on the door. I get up, because Ross is obviously not going to get it.

Behind the door is Max.

'Good afternoon,' he says. 'I heard you finished quickly today.'

I nod.

'I came here, because we'd like to be able to contact our students of the program when needed, so we have a phone for you with already an email installed and we have put some contacts in too. This is now yours.' He hands me the phone.

'Oh... thank you,' I say. He leaves without saying much. I close the door and get in my bed again. I begin with installing a password and then look through it. My heart skips a beat when I see that Eric's number is already in it.


I have played with my phone for hours and then decide to go to bed. For dinner I put some mac and cheese in the microwave.


The next couple weeks are very though and boring and hard. I am in training all morning and afternoon and afterwards I have to study untill late at night. Eric acts as if I don't excist. I was tempted to messages him a couple times, but thought he didn't want me to. I often meet George for lunch, and that is the only time I see him on a day. I wish I could be with happy him more often, because we have a lot of fun together. We can talk about anything with each other.

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