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There are two women from candor singing. I am getting tired and other people are already leaving, so I get up. 'Eric, I am going,' I say. He gets up too.

'I promised Max to get a drink with him. I'll come later okay?' He says softly so no one can hear him.

'So... so I have to go to your room?' I ask in a whisper. He nods and pushes his key-card into my hands. I leave after I said my parents good bye.

It is kind of weird to go to his room. I like it. Now I don't have to share a room with a stranger. I get inside and close the door behind him. I take my clothes off and look in Eric's bag that is placed on the white, plastic looking couch for a shirt that I might be allowed to use. I like to be bold like this, because I know he won't get angry if I just choose a shirt he won't wear. I find a shirt that he would might use to sleep in. Now I will sleep in it. I put it on and it hits my knees. I am small, but not this small. This shirt has to be big on him too. I turn the light off and get into bed.

A couple hours later I wake up from a bit of light that enters the room. The door opens and then closes softly again. I see Eric's figure walk around the dark room. My eyes are used to the dark, but his aren't yet. He looks for his bag with his hands. When he finds it he tries to find something (probably the shirt I am wearing) his head turns to me.

'Sorry,' I say with a raspy voice. He laughs. His lovely laugh that makes my insides squirm.

'Then I won't wear a shirt,' he says with a raised eyebrow. He takes his shirt off, unbuttons his pants and slides them off after he kicked his shoes from his feet. He gets in bed with me and wraps his whole body around me. I throw my arm over his waist. He pulls me so close against me that it gets harder to breath and then he rolls over so I am laying completely on top of him.

'I shouldn't have ignored you,' he whispers.

'I ignored you too,' I say. I don't want him to feel bad, even though he earns it.

'You only did because I ignored you first. You had a lot of fights with others and I should have helped you,' he says. How does he know that? I don't answer.

'Eric,' I say then. I don't know why.

'Yeah,' he grunts.

I don't know what to say, so I just kiss him on his jaw. He pulls the blankets more over us and I slide off of him and we just snuggle. I fall asleep before him.


I wake up and snuggle closer to him. His arm falls on top of me. Eric's phone starts to buzz on the nightsidetable.

'Take it,' Eric says with eyes closed, turns around and buries his face in my neck.

'Really?' I say.

'Yes, take it,' he murmers. My stomach flutters by the feeling of his breath on my neck. I stretch my arm to reach for his phone. When it is in my hand I press the green button and bring it to my ear.

'Hey Eric this is Max,' I hear.

'Uhh... you are speaking to Ellis,' I say. Eric is breathing slowly, so probably sleeping again.

'Really? I thought I pressed Eric.'

'No, you did call Eric's phone. But the thing is... I picked it up.'

'Are you with Eric right now?' He asks. I don't know if he is suspicious or not.

'Yeah,' I say slowly.

'Can I speak to him?'

'Yes, do you have a second?'

'Uhh yeah sure.'

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