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When I woke up the ship had crashed and Jax and Sara where in Rip's mind. I set in front of Rip watching as Mick and I waited for them to wake up.

"Your awake that's wonderful!" Stein exclaimed hugging me.

"Yea. Gideon said I should be fine. We are waiting for them to get up. When should they?" I asked calmly.

"I don't know. If they aren't back soon we may lose them for good." Stein said softly.

"I'm sure they will be alright. They are strong." I said as I patted Stein's shoulder.

After a couple of minutes Jax woke up and told us to wake them up. After waking them up we watched as they set up and Rip looked around. When I noticed he wasn't looking me in the eyes, I let out a sigh.

"It's good to have you back Rip." I said softly.

"Lizzy.... I.... I'm sorry." He said softly.

"Don't be. You didn't torture me. That was Darhk." I said with a smile.

"I might as well have. I heard everything and I... I didn't try to help you. And for that I am sorry."

"Don't be. It want your fault and you weren't in your right mind." I said softly.

He shook his head and soon we left to find the other fragments. I let out a groan as Rip told us that we where going after Commander Steel's fragment.

"Do we have to?" I asked annoyed.

"He's my grandfather so yes we do." Nate said annoyed.

"He also knocked me out." I snapped.

"You deserves it!"

"And your about to deserve a visit to the medbay." I said as I glared up at him.

"Okay both of you calm down!" Ray snapped.

"Sorry, but she is a pain."

"Sorry, but he can't keep it in his pants." I said with a smile.

He sent me a frown and I laughed as he walked away with Amaya. We soon made it to the year 1970 and met up with Commander Steel.

"Good to see you all." He said with a smile.

"Can't say the same." I said with a frown.

"She still mad?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, but she will get over it." Nate said with a laugh.

"No I won't." I said as I left with Stein.

We made it to the ship and I set beside Jax.

"So what is our plan?" Steel asked calmly.

"Get Ray back and stop Thawn." I said with a smile.

"Anyone else have a actual plan?" He asked annoyed.

"We shadow them. Don't let Thawn know we are onto him. When they are done we collect them and bring them back home." I said annoyed.

"Better." He said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes as I walked out of the bridge and to my room.

"I wanted to apologize for knocking you out." A voice said behind me.

I turned to see Commander Steel and I looked at him shocked.

"You don't have to apologize. I was only messing with you." I said softly.

"No I do. It was a cheap shot and I am sorry. I'd like to thank you also. You've been a great friend to Nate. And I know he needed friends." He said with a smile.

"He gives me to much credit. He is the good friend. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't be here. He saved us...... saved me. You have a good grandson. Also I am only joking with you. I'm a really big fan." I said with a laugh.

"I won't tell him." He said putting his finger to his lip.

I smiled as I pulled my instant camera out and asked him for a picture. He laughed as we took it and he signed the back.

"Okay lets get back to work." I said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am." He said with a fake salut.

I rolled my eyes as we left for the team and then I snuck and took a picture of him. I put it in my pocket and left to help the team. After awhile we got hit and where forced to land. Someone had to open the cockpit and I realized that it was Commander Steel who had done it. I went to find Nate and let out a sigh as I set beside him.

"I took this before.... you know." I said handing him the picture.

He looked at it and smiled at me softly.

"Thank you." He whispered.

I put my arm around his shoulder and he laid his head on my shoulder.

"It's okay. Your not alone." I whispered as he cried in my shoulder.

After he calmed down we went to the bridge to talk about how we could destroy the spear.

"So we need the blood of Christ? Damn I owe Caitlin money." I said annoyed.

"And me." Jax said with a smirk.

"Damn." I said handing him a twenty.

"So where do we have to go?" Sara asked Rip.

"I believe we can find the location if we find J.R.R. Tolkien." Rip explained.

"Let's go." I said hitting the table.

We made our way to find J.R.R. Tolkien and see if he knew where the blood was. After learning the location we went to a war location of World War 1 and found the blood. I let out a sigh as I walked through the camp and stopped when I saw Leonard. I ran after him and let out a sigh as I saw he wasn't there.

"I'm losing my mind." I whispered as I shook my head.

"Are you really?" A voice asked.

I turned to see Leonard leaning against a tent with a smile.

"Lenny?" I asked shocked.

"Hello little sis." He said with a smirk.

"You can't be real.... your dead." I whispered.

"But I am little sister." He said with a smile.

"I'm going insane. Your dead.... I.... Rip said you died." I said through tears.

"Your right I am dead, but Thawn went back in time and told me of my fate..... it's me." He said taking my hand.

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