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I looked around and turned to see a man walk in and tell everyone to get back. I rolled my eyes as he walked towards me and glared down at me.

"You dare have the face of Winter." He said as he smacked me.

"You hit like a girl." I said with a smirk.

He went to hit me again, by Stein grabbed his hand. I saw him hit Stein in the chest and Jax moved to stop him but we felt a shock through our body's. I hit the ground and he smirked as he moved back and told us to follow him. We where led to a clearing and I let out a sigh as I had a bag placed on mine head. When it was finally taken off, along with my collar, I saw a man with a freeze gun.

"Leonard?" I whispered shocked.

He helped us escape and we made it to a secret hideout. I listened as they told us about how we could get off and then a man came up to us and said he wouldn't help.

"Listen I don't care if it is your only chance to stop them. We need to get home." I said annoyed.

"Why does she look like Winter?" He asked angrily.

"I'm her doppelgänger. The nice one, unless you piss me off." I said glaring at him.

"I'm not helping you. Not after what she did to us." He said walking away.

"So what did she do to you all?" Barry asked Ray Terrill.

"She betrayed us. She turned us into the Führer. Got a lot of people killed including General Schott's wife." Ray explained.

"She is not her. She would never betray her friends. Now she may have her face, but they are two different people." Jax said annoyed.

"Still can't trust her. Now so we can't take any chances put these on." Leo said holding hand cuffs out.

"First answer me a question. What happen to Mick Rory? Winter said he was why she was like this." I said softly.

"Mickey saved the lives of cops that where trapped in a burning building. He died and that's all." He said calmly.

"That can't be all. There has to be something else." I whispered as I looked at my hand.

I took the cuffs and put them on. I followed Jax and let out a groan as Stein asked to talk to me.

"Okay what's going on with you?" He asked calmly.

"What do you mean?" I asked calmly.

"Well you haven't said a word to me since we returned from that mission with Helen. So tell me what is going on."

"Where you going to tell me that you where planning to leave?" I asked calmly.

"You over heard us. Lizzy I was going to tell you, I just didn't know when." He said softly.

"Well you could have asked for my help... could of told me that you didn't want to stay."

"My family is in the year 2017! I don't see why I need to explain to you why I want to leave." He snapped.

"So I'm not family to you.... glad to know before you just abandon me." I said walking away.

"Lizzy I didn't mean-"

"No! Okay your not my father? Your just some guy that I worked with. Go be with your family... I don't care. I don't care about you or anyone except Mick. He is the only family I need." I said walking away.

After awhile they talked General Schott to let us use the portal before leaving. I smiled as we made it to the room and got to the portal. Soon a fight started and I teamed up with Ray to take some guys out. I smiled as we took them out, but my smile soon disappeared when I saw Stein on the ground shot.

"Stein!" I yelled as I rushed to his side.

"Jax." Sara said calmly.

They fused and we left for out world. We where able to knock Winter out and hold her captive on the Waverider. After awhile I went to the medbay to see Jax and Stein talking.

"Lizzy." Stein said softly.

"How you holding up?" I asked softly.

"I'm holding up alright." He said softly.

"Your a horrible lier." I whispered as I took his hand.

"Lizzy... I wanted to tell you.... but I was scared... scared of breaking my promise to you." He said softly.

"I didn't mean what I said.... I do care about you and everyone on this ship.... your like my father." I whispered as tears streamed down my face.

"And you are my daughter.... Lily isn't my first daughter... you are." He said kissing my hand.

"Please... don't go... you can stay here in this time, just don't die." I begged through tears.

"I have to go.... if I don't Jax will die with me. I love you both.... Jax will you hand me the vial?" He asked holding his hand out.

Jax handed him the vial and Stein looked up at me.

"Please.... stay with me. I don't want to be alone." Stein whispered before drinking it.

"We aren't going anywhere." I said as I squeezed his hand.

He squeezed my hand and I felt tears stream down my face as he let go.

"Please..... don't go... please." I whispered over and over.

I soon let go of his hand and walked out of the room to tell the team. I saw everyone stand up and I let out a breath of air.

"Martin... Martin is gone." I said quietly.

I saw Nate look away and Amaya and Zari cover their mouths. Barry and the others left the room and I let out a sob as Ray walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and hid my face in his chest as I tried to make the world disappear.

"It's alright.... I got you Lizzy." Ray whispered as he hugged me tighter.

Lady Winter (DC Legends Of Tomorrow) Where stories live. Discover now