Best friends are back again!

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                 Pinkiesense entered the chatroom.  

Pinkiesense: haloooo?
Pinkiesense: seems like I'll have to add people                    myself.
                  Pinkiesense added Dashon.
                  Pinkiesense added Apples.
                  Pinkiesense added fluttershy.
                  Pinkiesense added fashionista.
                  Pinkiesense added sunsetonfire.
                  Pinkiesense added twilight.

Pinkiesense: much better now let's try again.
Pinkiesense: haloooo?
Dashon: shut up Pinkie!
Sunsetonfire: yeah it's like 1 am!
Fashionista: I need my beauty sleep.

                    Fashionista left the chatroom.
                    Dashon left the chatroom.
                    Sunsetonfire left the chatroom.

Pinkiesense: aww I guess it's only us now.
Twilight: no

                     Twilight left the chatroom.

Pinkiesense: okay fluttershy any interesting topic?
Fluttershy: umm sorry but no.
                     Fluttershy left the chatroom.

Pinkiesense: well Applejack it's just you and me now.
Apples: na

                     Apples left the chatroom.

Pinkiesense: ahh well you and me are you reading my messages still?

Pinkiesense: well I guess yes!
Pinkiesense: in your faces!
Pinkiesense: see at least someone cares.
Pinkiesense:  well seems like us ...

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