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PartyQueen joined the chatroom.
GardenerGirl1 joined the chatroom.


ardenerGirl1: oh hi pinkie!
PartyQueen: wanna see my teddy?

GardenerGirl1: yeah
GardenerGirl1: sure
PartyQueen: okey dokey!

GardenerGirl1: yeahGardenerGirl1: sure PartyQueen: okey dokey!PartyQueen:

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GardenerGirl1: cute
PartyQueen: thanks
GardenerGirl1: wanna see mine?

PartyQueen: obviously, silly!

PartyQueen: obviously, silly!GardenerGirl1:

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How is it?...

PartyQueen: well...
PartyQueen: cool
GardenerGirl1: thank you

CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.



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This is mine

GardenerGirl1: nice
PartyQueen: 😃
CHSTwilight: thanks

Fashionista joined the chatroom.


Plain but stylish

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Plain but stylish.

CHSTwilight: nice rarity
PartyQueen: cool
GardenerGirl1: 😎
Fashionista: thank you darlings

Awesomeness joined the chatroom.
Apples joined the chatroom.

Awesomeness: this chat is useless!



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Innerdemon joined the chatroom.


How'd u like mine😎

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How'd u like mine😎

Awesomeness: and this chat is useless!

Fashionista: love it!

Animalprincess joined the chatroom.

Animalprincess: can I share mine...

CHSTwilight: ofcourse!

GardenerGirl1: your is the most cutest one!

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GardenerGirl1: your is the most cutest one!

Animalprincess: thankyou...
Fashionista: I love ur choice!
CHSTwilight: cute
Apples: 😍
Innerdemon: it's sooooo cute!!!

Animalprincess: thank you all for the appreciation...

Awesomeness: uggh
Animalprincess: did i say something wrong...

Animalprincess left the chatroom.

CHSTwilight: rainbow dash!
Awesomeness: what?!

GardenerGirl1 left the chatroom.

Apples: 😤
Fashionista: rainbow dash don't scare fluttershy away like that!!

Awesomeness: whatever 😒

Awesomeness left the chatroom.

Innerdemon: she'll never learn her lesson will she?

PartyQueen: 👎

All left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now