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PartyQueen joined the chatroom.
PartyQueen added you to the chatroom.
Awesomeness joined the chatroom.
Fashionista joined the chatroom.
Apples joined the chatroom.
PrincessTwilight joined the chatroom.

You: hi?
Fashionista: I don't mean to be rude but...

Awesomeness: who are u?!
PartyQueen: one of the person who used to read our messages

Innerdemon joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: people really read our chatroom?

PartyQueen: eeeyup!
Apples: and u didnt tell us?!!!
PartyQueen: I did but u didn't believe!

Fashionista: oh yeah
Awesomeness: you're creepy!
You: me?
Awesomeness: yeah you!
PrincessTwilight: rainbowdash!!!!!!

Awesomeness: what?!!
Innerdemon: shut up!
You: oh please don't fight because of me

Fashionista: u sound sweet...
Innerdemon: I bet we'll be good friends

You: thanks
You: applejack?
Apples: how'd u know ma name?!

You: I watch your show...
PartyQueen: told you!
Awesomeness: am I awesome on tv?

You: 120%
Awesomeness: ha! I knew it!
Fashionista: 😏
Fashionista: and am I the best designer?

You: u bet!
Innerdemon: and me?
You: you're cool!
Awesomeness: 😠
You: but RD's the coolest!
Awesomeness: 😏😏
Awesomeness: I know😏
You: 😂😂
Innerdemon: lol
Awesomeness: what?!
PrincessTwilight: hey, I'm Princess Twilight, the princess of magic and friendship

Apples: I thought u were the princess of friendship!

Innerdemon: 😂😂😂😂😂
You: thanks for the intro princess

PrincessTwilight: call me Twilight... After all we're all friends now!

You: really?!
Innerdemon: best friends!
Apples: yup.
Awesomeness: 4ever
Fashionista: ofcourse darling!

You: best day of my life!!!!!
PrincessTwilight: awwww
You: where's Fluttershy?
Apples: I dunno
PartyQueen: no idea!
Fashionista: dear I'm not sure

Awesomeness: she's at some pet shop

Apples: how'd u know?
Awesomeness: she told me to tell u guys

You: ohk😁
Awesomeness: wha!!
You: it was fun talking to u gàls! I gotta go!

You left the chatroom.

Innerdemon: hey! Wait!

You joined the chatroom.

You: yes?
Innerdemon: wanna come over to my place?

You: I'll try...
Innerdemon: plz
You: ok what time?
Innerdemon: around 5
You: fine see you there!!

You left the chatroom.
Innerdemon left the chatroom.
Fashionista left the chatroom.
Apples left the chatroom.
Awesomeness left the chatroom.
PrincessTwilight left the chatroom.

PartyQueen: first day in the chatroom and u made everyone just love u!

PartyQueen: well I have to make cupcakes!

PartyQueen left the chatroom.

Srsly took me 30 mins to type the left the part😂😂

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now