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All joined the chatroom except for wallflower, starlight and sunburst.

PartyQueen:  girls?😀
Awesomeness:  yea?
PartyQueen:  guess what?😀
CHSTwilight:  you're adding another person here?
PartyQueen:  how'd u know?
Fashionista:  darling, from that emoji we all knew
PartyQueen:  oh yea
PartyQueen:  well here I go!
Apples: wait! Who is it?

PartyQueen added @Adori-chan to the chatroom.

@Adori-chan: hey guys
Animalprincess: uhm.... Who are you?
@Adori-chan: that is my username and I can't tell my real name....
Awesomeness:  are you another person like -Violet_Cake-?
PartyQueen: yes.
Fashionista:  is it your birthday today darling?
@Adori-chan: no.
PartyQueen: her b_day is on 12th Jan. I'll add her again
CHSTwilight: I assume you already know us
@Adori-chan: yup.
Apples: hey sugarcube!
@Adori-chan: hi applejack!
Innerdemon: we're a tv show right?
@Adori-chan: yeah
Innerdemon: so who are your favorite characters?
@Adori-chan: rainbow & pinkie

Awesomeness: see? Famous me!
Fashionista:  😒
PartyQueen: thanks for liking me, da element of laughter!
@Adori-chan: no prob.
PrincessTwilight: what do you do when you're bored?
@Adori-chan: watch mlp
PartyQueen: gasp!
Awesomeness: what?
PartyQueen: lets ask questions about ourselves and have @Adori-chan to answer them!

Apples: great idea pinkie!
@Adori-chan: yea f9
PartyQueen: so every1 agrees?
Animalprincess: yes
PrincessTwilight: okay
Fashionista: yes!
Awesomeness: Q.1! Who is the most coolest?

@Adori-chan: RD ofcourse!
Awesomeness: boooooyah!
CHSTwilight: after what event did I join CHS?
@Adori-chan: friendship games
CHSTwilight: good
PrincessTwilight: who is my student?
@Adori-chan: starlight
PrincessTwilight: correct
Apples: who is the strongest of the main 6?
@Adori-chan: main 7
Apples: yea main 7
@Adori-chan: you
Apples: correct

PartyQueen: u guys ask too easy questions
Awesomeness: why don't u go on?
PartyQueen: which is my favorite food?
Awesomeness:  😐seriously pinkie?
Animalprincess: ...
CHSTwilight: 😒
@Adori-chan: cupcakes
PartyQueen: yay! Cupcakes!


nnerdemon: tell the members famous on wattpad from 1 to 7

@Adori-chan: I'm not sure about this because everyone has their own opinions
Innerdemon: we want to know your opinion
@Adorichan: 1. RD
2. Pinkie
3. Twilight
4. Sunset
5. Fluttershy
6. Rarity
7. Applejack

Awesomeness:  I'm famous Cause I'm awesome!
Apples: good for you
Awesomeness:  you're 100% not cool AJ
Apples: shut up
Awesomeness:  why don't u shuddup

Apples: don't make me wanna come there!
Fashionista:  stop fighting
Animalprincess:  h-how can I be famous?

@Adorichan: well because you're so sweet and kind everyone likes you
Animalprincess: 😄 thank you

@Adorichan: ❤
Fashionista: I'm sorry darlings but I have some orders to complete. How about we talk later?

Innerdemon:  yea that'd be f9
CHSTwilight:  oki bye
Apples: have a good time sugarcubes!

(All left the chatroom except for Pinkie)

PartyQueen: bye guys!

PartyQueen left the chatroom.

Guys I'm very sorry 'bout the late update. I was busy updating my other books. You can always check those out.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now