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                 Sunsetonfire joined the chatroom.
                 Pinkiesense joined the chatroom.

Sunsetonfire: who the hell were you talking to when we left?

Pinkiesense: 'language'
Sunsetonfire: just tell me!
Pinkiesense: Them...
Sunsetonfire: and who exactly is 'Them'?
Pinkiesense: Them!
Sunsetonfire: Them who?!
Pinkiesense: Them who are reading our messages!
Sunsetonfire: who is Them and who is reading our messages?!

Pinkiesense: Aghh it's Them right there!
Sunsetonfire: where?!
Pinkiesense: Well some of them think you are miss...
Sunsetonfire: miss... What?!
Pinkiesense: BACON HAIRED!
Sunsetonfire: 😰😰
Pinkiesense: ohhh emoji's they like it
Sunsetonfire: pinkie be a nice girl and tell me who is them!!

Pinkiesense: I told you already THEY ARE READING OUR MESSAGES!

Sunsetonfire: for equesria's sake there is no one in this chatroom right now except for us!

Pinkiesense: no no no they are reading our messages!

Sunsetonfire: Aghhh
                      Sunsetonfire left the chatroom.

Pinkiesense: well will you believe that!
Pinkiesense: she doesn't even know you!
Pinkiesense: you should be more social.

                     Pinkiesense left the chatroom.

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