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(Personal chat)

PrincessTwilight: rainbowdash?

Rainbowdash: yes, princess?
PrincessTwilight: why did you and applejack fight?

Rainbowdash: she started it!
PrincessTwilight: I'm not asking who started it...

Rainbowdash: because...
Rainbowdash: I'm not telling
PrincessTwilight: for celestia's sake!!!!!!

Rainbowdash: I don't know...
PrincessTwilight: rainbowdash...

Rainbowdash: because I forgot I had to go with her to the movies

PrincessTwilight: why? You are the element of loyalty....
You should be an inspiration to others to be loyal

Rainbowdash: look, I was practicing football as usual

PrincessTwilight: and...
Rainbowdash: I forgot
PrincessTwilight: ok... Come in the chatroom

Rainbowdash: why?
PrincessTwilight: me and sunset have to talk to you...

Rainbowdash: no applejack k?

PrincessTwilight: ok...

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now