Gardener-Girl-1 and Princess Twilight

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PartyQueen joined the chatroom.
PartyQueen added Gardener-Girl-1.
Silly joined the chatroom.

Silly: who is Gardener Girl 1, Darling?
PartyQueen: Guess who?
Gardener-Girl-1: I'm... Wall Flower...

Silly changed her name to "Fashionista".

Fashionista: Pinkie, Darling, don't add others without telling us...

PartyQueen: But...
Gardener-Girl-1: No problem, I'll just go.

Missnerdypants joined the chatroom.
Missnerdypants changed her name to          "CHSTwilight"

CHSTwilight: don't go ... Wallflower...
Fashionista: yes Darling, stay!
Gardener-Girl-1: Well, okay
Fashionista: so Darling, how is your gardening going?

Gardener-Girl-1: it's going A okay!
CHSTwilight: oh AWESOME❤!
Gardener-Girl-1: Rarity, how's your boutique going?
Fashionista: fabulous!
Gardener-Girl-1: as expected😍
Gardener-Girl-1: how's your book collection, twilight?

CHSTwilight: Splendid!
Gardener-Girl-1: I knew it!💟

PartyQueen added PrincessTwilight.
Innerdemon joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: ... Are you... Princess Twilight...?
PrincessTwilight: Yup! And you are sunset shimmer!

Innerdemon: how'd you know?
PrincessTwilight: it's a thing😀
Fashionista: oh hello , Darling! How are you?
CHSTwilight: so... You're like my pony version?
PrincessTwilight: yup
Gardener-Girl-1: umm... Who are you?
Innerdemon: she's princess twilight!
Gardener-Girl-1: I don't get it...
Fashionista: let me explain Darling,
Fashionista: Princess Twilight is the princess of magic, she helped us in defeating sunset shimmer and making her good ( no offense sunset😅 ).

Gardener-Girl-1: it's an honour to talk to you princess

PrincessTwilight: mine too ...and who are you?
Gardener-Girl-1: I'm Wall Flower...
Princesstwilight: ...
Innerdemon: she was the one with the memory stone!

Princesstwilight: ohhh...
Rarity: we really miss you here Darling!
Innerdemon: yeah, come soon!
Princesstwilight: oh I'll try my best!
Princesstwilight: BTW I gotta  go I have to help other ponies.

Gardener-Girl-1: okayyy bye✋!

Gardener-Girl-1 left the chatroom.

Fashionista: bye Darling!

Fashionista left the chatroom.

CHSTwilight: bye bye!

CHSTwilight left the chatroom.

PrincessTwilight: bye

Princesstwilight left the chatroom.

Innerdemon: miss you, bye!

Innerdemon left the chatroom.

PartyQueen: will you look at that!
PartyQueen: what a chat!
PartyQueen: well I was told to thank
PartyQueen: xo SunriseMist xo for...
PartyQueen: voting and commenting
PartyQueen: it's a secret xo SunriseMist xo ...
PartyQueen: personally you are one of my favorites!

PartyQueen: well bye!

PartyQueen left the chatroom.

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