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PartyQueen joined the chatroom.

PartyQueen: hey guys listen to this!


Awesomeness joined the chatroom.
CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.
Innerdemon joined the chatroom.
Apples joined the chatroom.
Fashionista joined the chatroom.

Awesomeness: what is that?
PartyQueen: teen titans
Apples: and who are they?
PartyQueen: you don't know about the teen titans?!

CHSTwilight: no
Innerdemon: no
PartyQueen: didn't you check the internet?!

Apples: nah
Fashionista: no.
PartyQueen: what have you been doing?!!

Awesomeness: soccer practice

Apples: farm work
Fashionista: dress designing
CHSTwilight: study
Innerdemon: reading
PartyQueen: as expected
Fashionista: ...
PartyQueen: go check the internet already!!

Awesomeness: why?
PartyQueen: u don't know...
Fashionista: no.
PartyQueen: look these are cartoons...

CHSTwilight: and?
PartyQueen: princess twilight is being casted on tv!

Innerdemon: what?!
PartyQueen: yes and even we're being casted on tv!!!!!

Fashionista: what?!
Awesomeness: 😏
CHSTwilight: no way!
Apples: impossible!
PartyQueen: everything is possible

Fashionista: I have to look fabulous!!!!!

Fashionista left the chatroom.

PartyQueen: go and check the internet now!!!!

Awesomeness left the chatroom.
Innerdemon left the chatroom.
Apples left the chatroom.
CHSTwilight left the chatroom.

PartyQueen: should I make them believe about you guys?

PartyQueen: but I already tried that..

PartyQueen: one minute...
PartyQueen: Fluttershy?

Animalprincess joined the chatroom.

Animalprincess: yes?
PartyQueen: what are you gonna do?

Animalprincess: hide...

Animalprincess left the chatroom.

PartyQueen: *sigh*

PartyQueen left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now