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CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.
Fashionista joined the chatroom.

CHSTwilight: nooooo

Innerdemon joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: what?
CHSTwilight: 16!!

Awesomeness joined the chatroom.

Awesomeness: 16 what?!
CHSTwilight: science marks!!
Innerdemon: I got 19😏
Awesomeness: 22
CHSTwilight: 😖😭😭

Animalprincess joined the chatroom.

Animalprincess: 24
Fashionista: 12... I have no interest

CHSTwilight: 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Innerdemon: I understand you

CHSTwilight: I'm dying!!!!!
Awesomeness: shut up and stop acting like rarity!!!!!!!

Fashionista: rainbow dash!!!
CHSTwilight: 😭😭😭
Animalprincess: I feel your pain!😭😭😭😭

CHSTwilight: lets cry together!!!!!!!

Animalprincess: 😭😭😭😭
CHSTwilight: 😭😭😭😭😭
Innerdemon: 😒...
Fashionista: ugghhhh...
Awesomeness: this is how u r rarity!

Fashionista: rainbow dash!!!!
Awesomeness: rainbowdash!
CHSTwilight: I got a C!!!!!!!
Animalprincess: A+ but I'm sad for you 😭😭😭😭😭

Awesomeness: will u 2 ever stop fighting?!!!!!!

Fashionista: am I really like that?

Awesomeness: yessssssssss
Animalprincess: I'm coming to your house Twilight 😭😭

CHSTwilight: okkkkkayy😭

CHSTwilight left the chatroom.
Innerdemon left the chatroom.
Animalprincess left the chatroom.
Fashionista left the chatroom.
PartyQueen joined the chatroom.

PartyQueen: 25/25!
PartyQueen: halooo?
PartyQueen: anybody here?
PartyQueen: I guess not!

PartyQueen left the chatroom. 

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now