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Fashionista joined the chatroom.

Fashionista: darlings!!!!!!

Awesomeness joined the chatroom.
CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.
You joined the chatroom.

Awesomeness: what?!!!!!
Fashionista: PIMPLES!!!!!
Awesomenesss: what pimples?!!

Fashionista: I have got pimples all over my beautiful face!!!!!!!!

CHSTwilight: ...
You: they'll eventually be fine

Fashionista:  but I have to go for a photo shoot today!!!!

Awesomenesss: I can't imagine having a soccer match with pimples all over my face

CHSTwilight: not helping!!!!
Awesomeness: uggghhh!!!!
Fashionista: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
You: don't worry Rarity it'll be fine soon

Fashionista: no it won't!!!!
Awesomeness: it won't...
Fashionista: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
You: rainbow dash!!!!!!
Awesomeness: what?!
CHSTwilight: I'm going crazy!!!!

Fashionista: save me!!!
You: 😒
CHSTwilight: rarity you're over reacting now!!!!

Apples joined the chatroom.

Apples: rarity for god sake keep quite!!!!!!!!!

Fashionista: I have a pimple in the middle of my eyebrows!!!!!!!

Apples: ????
Awesomeness: for 1 pimple you've created such a drama!!!!!

Fashionista: it is a pimple!!!
You: rarity?...
Fashionista: what?!!!
Apples: I have so many pimples ... Idc! Farm work is necessary!

Fashionista: not to me!!! I want to take care of my beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apples: I'm goin!!!

Apples left the chatroom.

You: lets go rainbow...

You left the chatroom.
Awesomeness left the chatroom.
CHSTwilight left the chatroom.

Fashionista: no one cares for me!!!!

Fashionista left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now