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Awesomeness joined the chatroom.
PrincessTwilight joined the chatroom.
Innerdemon joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: its all up to u now princess...

PrincessTwilight added apples.

Awesomeness: why does she have to be here?!

Apples: I was told she wouldn't be here!!

PrincessTwilight: calm down
Apples: CALM DOWN?!!!
Awesomeness: whatever
PrincessTwilight: I've had enough of you both!

PrincessTwilight: why were you fighting?!

Awesomeness: I already answered that😒

Apples: 'cause someone forgot with whom they had to meet up!

Awesomeness: I was busy!

rincessTwilight: rainbowdash...

Awesomeness: aggghhh
Awesomeness: I forgot!
Apples: what?!
Awesomeness:  you shouldn't had waited for me!

Apples: next time...
Apples: I won't
Awesomeness: 😂😂😂
Apples: lets meet today at the cafe

Awesomeness: yea fine
Awesomeness: remind me soon...

Apples left the chatroom.
Awesomeness left the chatroom.
PrincessTwilight left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now