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Fashionista, PartyQueen, CHSTwilight,  Awesomeness, apples, Innerdemon,  and Animalprincess joined the chatroom.

Awesomeness: wow
Animalprincess: what?
Awesomeness: we all joined together
CHSTwilight: yea
Innerdemon: amazing
PartyQueen: girls?
Fashionista: fascinating

PartyQueen: GIRLS?!

Awesomeness: what?!
PartyQueen: shall we get to the main point?
CHSTwilight: ok.
Innerdemon: yea

PartyQueen: lets change our user names to emojis!

Apples: say what now?
Animalprincess: uhmmm
PartyQueen: lets begin!

PartyQueen changed her user name to 🎉.
PartyQueen changed fashionista's user name to  👗❤.
PartyQueen changed Animalprincess's user name to 🐱🐻🐸🐰🐹🐵👑.
PartyQueen changed Awesomeness's user name to 😎.
PartyQueen changed CHSTwilight's user name to 🎓📕📗📘📙.
PartyQueen changed Apples user name to 🍏 🍎.
PartyQueen changed IInnerdemon's user name to🔥💥👻.
PartyQueen changed PrincessTwilight's user name to 👑🐎
PartyQueen changed Star's user name to 🌟
PartyQueen changed Wizard's user name to ❓.
PartyQueen changed GardenerGirl1's username to 🌳👩.

👗❤: change this!
🎉: nah
😎: I like mine
🎓📕📗📘📙: me too a lil bit
🍏 🍎:  I'll change them later

All left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now