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Apples joined the chatroom.

Apples: I waited the whole day for you!

Awesomeness joined the chatroom.

Awesomeness: NOT MY FAULT!!!

Apples: u said you'd come!
Awesomeness: I didn't show up because I don't care!

Apples: so it means you lie to ur own friends 'bout being busy!!!!

Awesomeness: I don't care
Apples: I can say whatever I want so shut up!!!

Awesomeness: what if I didn't?! Whatcha gonna do?

Apples: I'm gonna kill you!!!
Awesomeness: I don't think you have the guts to

Apples: I'm not a liar like u! I can of I want to kill u!

Awesomeness: oh! Looks like the baby's gonna cry!

Apples: shut the ***# up!
Awesomeness: should I call the wambulance?😂😂

Apples: I'm...

Animalprincess joined the chatroom.

Animalprincess: please don't fight...

Apples: SHUT UP!!!!!!
Animalprincess: sorry😭

Animalprincess left the chatroom.

Awesomeness: how dare you do that to Fluttershy?!

Apples: pfftt
Awesomeness: answer me!
Apples: whatever
Awesomeness: ANSWER ME!!!!!

Apples: *ignores*
Awesomeness: I SAID ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!

Apples: what if I don't?!😏
Awesomeness: ...don't make me say it!!!

CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.

CHSTwilight: stop fighting u 2!!

Awesomeness: whatever
CHSTwilight: I've had enough of you... BOTH!!!

Apples: what should I do 'bout it?

CHSTwilight: u 2 never  stop fighting!!

CHSTwilight: and now I'm trying to calm u down and what do I get?! Betrayal!!

Awesomeness: when did I betray u?!

CHSTwilight: ask that to urself!!

Apples: I don't want to be with people who don't care 'bout me!!!

Apples: and don't add me back!!

Apples left the chatroom permanently.

Awesomeness: and if any1 of u guys talk to her

Awesomeness: it's going to be between her and me!!

Awesomeness left the chatroom.

CHSTwilight: come back this instant!!!

CHSTwilight: BOTH OF YOU!!

Innerdemon joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: take it easy twilight...


Innerdemon: calm down girl
CHSTwilight: but...
Innerdemon: just take a break

Innerdemon: forget about it.

Both left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now