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PartyQueen joined the chatroom.

PartyQueen: I feel very hot

Innerdemon joined the chatroom.
Awesomeness joined the chatroom.

Awesomeness: yea even I got tired

PartyQueen: I was living happily with my friends in the oceans

Innerdemon: ...
PartyQueen: oh! I'm flying and moving up, up and up

Awesomeness: what?
PartyQueen: its a sunny day
Innerdemon: we know
PartyQueen: oh, no! I turned into vapor

Awesomeness: what are you talking about?

PartyQueen: last night was cool and pleasant.

Innerdemon: umm...
Awesomeness: I guess...
PartyQueen: wow! I will reach the clouds

Awesomeness: not more higher than me 😎

PartyQueen: my other friends are also there in this cloud

Innerdemon: ...
PartyQueen: I am feeling cold now, as I am rising

Awesomeness: what the
PartyQueen: this place is not enough for us

Innerdemon: why😯
PartyQueen: I can see my friends turning into vapour.

PartyQueen: me & my friends r turning into water again

PartyQueen: oh! Now rest into a cloud

Innerdemon:  no...
PartyQueen: we, the droplets are falling down.

CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.

CHSTwilight: she's asking ing their numbrings!

Innerdemon: ohk
CHSTwilight: I'll them to u later

PartyQueen: okey dokey!

All left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now