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You joined the chatroom.
PartyQueen joined the chatroom.

You: hi

Awesomeness joined the chatroom.
Innerdemon joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: hey

Awesomeness: don't you have any thing to do?

Innerdemon: rainbowdash!
You: I do have some hobbies...

Awesomeness: like what?
You: reading
Innerdemon: oooh same
Awesomeness: eggheads😏
You: hey!!!
Innerdemon: I'm not Twilight!

Awesomeness: I didn't say u're Twilight!!!

CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.

CHSTwilight: why are you guys talking about me?

You: oh hey Twilight!
CHSTwilight: hi?
Awesomeness: u guys r cra cra!

PartyQueen: you're speaking my language now!

CHSTwilight: that isn't correct English rainbowdash

Awesomeness: that's the reason I got 0/2 in the English letter writing in grade 5...

Innerdemon: rainbowdash... Rainbowdash... When will you grow up?

Awesomeness: hey!!!!!!
PartyQueen: what are your hobbies?

Awesomeness: soccer all day long

Innerdemon: reading
You: already told u
CHSTwilight: reading
PartyQueen: baking and eating cupcakes!!!!!!

You: I'm bored
Innerdemon: same😕
CHSTwilight: read books
Awesomeness: who reads books? Play soccer!

PartyQueen: lets have a party!!!!!!!!!!

You: sorry pinkie I have to go shopping with Rarity

Innerdemon: well you're going to be super tired

You: I know
Awesomeness: meh..
You: ???
CHSTwilight: I hope u guys have fun!

You: thanks! I gotta go get ready! Bye!

You left the chatroom.

Innerdemon: bye!

Innerdemon left the chatroom.
Awesomeness left the chatroom.
CHSTwilight left the chatroom.
PartyQueen left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now