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PartyQueen joined the chatroom.
Innerdemon joined the chatroom.
You joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: hey guys?
You: yes?
Innerdemon: ...
PartyQueen: we have made a plan!!!

You: for what?

Fashionista joined the chatroom.
Apples joined the chatroom.
Awesomeness joined the chatroom.

PartyQueen: movies!!!

Apples: which one?
Fashionista: ???
You: I won't be able to attend...

Awesomeness: why?!

CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: what's wrong?
You: I just caught bad flu
CHSTwilight: 😞
Fashionista: get well soon
You: thanks... Gotta go!

You left the chatroom.

Awesomeness: which movie?

Innerdemon:  how about venom?

CHSTwilight:  yea f9
Fashionista: okayyyyy
PartyQueen: okey dokey

Apples joined the chatroom.

Apples: will be fun!
PartyQueen: I know right!
Innerdemon: when should we go for tickets?

CHSTwilight: u and pinkie go today for the tickets we'll watch it tomorrow midnight

Innerdemon: k.

(All left the chatroom)

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now