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Pinkiesense joined the chatroom.

Pinkiesense: howdy girls!

Dashie joined the chatroom.
Sunsetonfire joined the chatroom.

Dashie: what is it?
Pinkiesense: let's change user names!

Fluttershy joined the chatroom.
Twilight joined the chatroom.

Sunsetonfire: no
Pinkiesense: why not?
Fluttershy: pinkie ... plz no
Pinkiesense: I will and I can!😝
Dashie: shut up!🙅

Pinkiesense changed twilight's name to "missnerdypants".
Pinkiesense changed Apple's name to                            "Heartbreaker".
Pinkiesense changed Fashionista's name to "silly".
Pinkiesense changed sunsetonfire's name to              "innerdemon".
Pinkiesense changed her name to" PartyQueen".
Pinkiesense changed dashie's name to "crash".
Pinkiesense changed Fluttershy's name to.                 "scaredycat".

Scaredycat: oooh that hurts...

Scaredycat left the chatroom.

Crash: good job pinkie, you scared her away!😡
Innerdemon: ...
PartyQueen: no offense sunset!😅
Innerdemon: none taken😒
Crash: hey! My name's not crash!
PartyQueen: it is now...
PartyQueen: BTW I'm added new people!
Innerdemon: no!
PartyQueen: I am bye!

PartyQueen left the chatroom.

Innerdemon: I'm going to her home!

Innerdemon left the chatroom.
Heartbreaker joined the chatroom.

Heartbreaker: what'd I miss?
Crash: agghh

Crash left the chatroom.

Heartbreaker: what'd I do?

Heartbreaker left the chatroom.


Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now