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(While sunsrt and Princess Twilight were talking...)

Awesomeness: I don't know what am I typing! MY HAND!

CHSTwilight: submit your science journal!!

Awesomeness: but I don't want to! I'm scared!

CHSTwilight: either do it or suffer me telling...

Awesomeness: UUUUU!ughh! Fine just in sometime ☺

CHSTwilight: no!! If u don't...
Awesomeness: aggh... Fine but tell applejack too!

CHSTwilight: I'm gonna tell pprofessor about u applejack!

Apples: okay! Okay!
Awesomeness: given! Happy?

CHSTwilight: yea
Apples: done...
CHSTwilight: sir is coming to me!

CHSTwilight left the chatroom.
Apples left the chatroom.
Awesomeness left the chatroom.

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