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Pinkiepieaisyah joined the chatroom.
CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.
Innerdemon joined the chatroom.
PrincessTwilight joined the chatroom.
Apples joined the chatroom.
Star joined the chatroom.
Fashionista joined the chatroom.
Awesomeness joined the chatroom.
GardenerGirl1 joimed the chatroom.
AnimalPrincess joined the chatroom.

Apples: so whats the plan pinkie?
PartyQueen: I am gonna add someone to the chatroom.

Fashionista: no!
CHSTwilight: girls pinkie is right, if we can't handle Rainbowdash maybe someone else can!

Animalprincess: I agree...
Innerdemon: yea me too
PartyQueen: so everyone agrees?

Fashionista: 😒
PartyQueen: okay then I'm adding her here!

PartyQueen added -Violet_Cake- to the chatroom.

-Violet_Cake-: hey!
Fashionista: hi darling, may we get your introduction?
-Violet_Cake-: pinkie didn't tell you?
PartyQueen: okay so thats her username.... And she amazing.... One of the people who I talk to you a lot..... And?

CHSTwilight:  okay I get it...
Innerdemon:  hey I'm Sunset Shimmer

Fashionista:  Rarity, the one and only
Apples: howdy, applejack here!
-Violet_Cake-: you guys don't need to introduce yourselves
Star: why?
-Violet_Cake-: cause Starlight I already know you guys!
CHSTwilight:  ohhhh...how?
-Violet_Cake-: pinkie told me
GardenerGirl1:  oh right...
PartyQueen:  you know what?
PrincessTwilight: what?
PartyQueen:  wait for it...
Fashionista: ??????
PartyQueen: wait for it!
Apples: c'mon pinkie!
PartyQueen:  wait for it!!!!!!
CHSTwilight:  tell us already!!!!!!!!!

PartyQueen: okay
GardenerGirl1: ?...
PartyQueen: it's her birthday today!!!

Innerdemon:  really
PartyQueen:   yAsSSsss
Fashionista: oh happy birthday darling!
-Violet_Cake-: oh thank you!
CHSTwilight: happy birthday!
Apples:  happy birthday sugarcube!
GardenerGirl1:  happy b_day have an amazing day!
-Violet_Cake-: aww thanks you guys!
Star: happy 🎂 birthday!
-Violet_Cake-: thanks!
Star: let me tell Sunburst!

Star left the chatroom.

Innerdemon: haaaaaapy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear -Violet_Cake- happy birthday to you!!!!
PartyQueen:  yay! Wohoooo!
-Violet_Cake-: AWWW! Thanks!

Star and Wizard joined the chatroom.

Wizard: oh happy bithday -Violet_Cake-!
-Violet_Cake-: thank you!
-Violet_Cake-: now lets get dashie here
Fashionista:  wait... You know?
Apples: pinkie told her remember!
Fashionista:  oh yea right!
-Violet_Cake-: dash I know you're in the chatroom!
GardenerGirl1:  she is?
-Violet_Cake-: come on out I won't eat you!
CHSTwilight: 😂
Awesomeness:  happy birthday
-Violet_Cake-: thank you
Fashionista: oh darling we're extremely sorry!
Awesomeness:  I don't wanna talk to u
CHSTwilight:  but we're apologizing!
Awesomeness:  apology not excepted!
Apples: c'mon dash!
-Violet_Cake-: yea don't hold on to things! Let it go
PartyQueen:  I'm one with the wind and skies!
GardenerGirl1:  wait pinkie
Awesomeness:  okay I was just kidding 😂😂😂
Innerdemon:  wait... What?!
Awesomeness:  I gotcha guys so hard!
-Violet_Cake-: Rainbowdash!
Awesomeness:  it was just a joke!
Awesomeness:  who'd be upset on such a small thing?
Apples: you
Awesomeness: oh yeah!😂
Animalprincess: I was crying!
-Violet_Cake-: oh don't cry fluttershy!
Wizard: okay well bye

All left the chatroom except pinkie.

PartyQueen:  howz dat?
PartyQueen:  oh yea and HBD -Violet_Cake-!

PartyQueen left the chatroom.

Happy Birthday girl! May you have an awesome day! -Violet_Cake-! Stay blessed!

Updated: 15 December 2018

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now